How Do I Sims2 Nightlife Vampires

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by G3ORGii3xPii3, Dec 30, 2008.

  1. G3ORGii3xPii3

    G3ORGii3xPii3 New Member

    Sims2 Nightlife Vampires

    Iv made a new town but i want them all to be vampires cuz i feel like it and i have Twilight-itis =]

    does a vampire automatically come into the town so he can start my biting spree, or do i need to somehow manoveour the vampire from pleasantview to my new town?

    and is there a way of making kids vampires?
  2. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    You can only find vampires in your downtown lots.
    Once you befriend them they may bite you turning you into a vampire.
    I don't think kids can be turned but I'm not sure.
    If you want an easier way to do it then I would suggest you look over Mod The Sims2 for a vampire mod.
  3. G3ORGii3xPii3

    G3ORGii3xPii3 New Member

    yea i know but if you make your own downtown lot does a vampire automatically come to that downtown lot or do they just stay in like plesantview, strangetown, belladonna cove etc?
  4. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    Yes custom downtown lots will attract a male and female vampire to interact with your sims.
  5. G3ORGii3xPii3

    G3ORGii3xPii3 New Member

    Sweet cheerz =]

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