Post Your Favorite Oldies Songs :D

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ManagerJosh, Jan 13, 2009.

  1. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Post Your Favorite Oldies Songs :D

    Yup Post Some of your Favorite Oldies Songs for us to Listen :D

    80s, 70s, 60s, etc.

  2. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    ...And of course...

  3. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    Well I can't get a couple of my faves to embed but I could listen to Desperado by the Eagles any day of the week and The Ballad of Curtis Lowe by Lynyrd Skynyrd along with it.
  4. NatalFenix

    NatalFenix Lamb of Spiritual Flock

    Jazz Lover ALERT! lol

    can't embed either but my two Altime faves are Journey (Don't stop believin')
    but since someone mentioned that earlier :rolleyes:"Anyway you want it" is also a classic in it's own right!:)
    and Bruce Springsteen Now growing up this Guy was/still is My IDOL:eek:
    here's the link to his amazing 1986 Debut Hit Single! In High Def Quality!
    well looks pretty darn good to me! on my HD monitor .. lol a very heartmelting mellow song for the Romantic Types

    and becuz I'm A Jazz lover(yeah There's Bud Powell(Fabulous 'jazztastic' music by another pioneer,:alien: lol
    same generation as "Parker!". Powell had a very sad lonely and at times isolated life,
    but when he began to play he assimilated full energy and spirit, almost scarily imaginative and daring.
    (he performed solo on the Piano))
    Not many do appreciate Jazz for what it truly is no more:(
    S A D! I pine for the lost generation of soul and Full embodied mind and spirit! the "good 'Ole Days"
    I can name a few others but i fear i would bore you to death..
    and besides I gues I Have said enough xD anyway as with Art ,
    Jazz is "open to iterpretation" make up your own minds i gues Nothing will EVER change mine!:D
    see ya
    Good thread Joshua;)
  5. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    I think any of Journey's music so long as it was when Steve Perry was the lead singer is classic.
    I don't have any kicks on Jazz when I've heard it but I couldn't tell ya any of the artists names.
    Yes I'm a fan of the Boss as well!
  6. NatalFenix

    NatalFenix Lamb of Spiritual Flock

    Awesome Meek!
    The Boss lol

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