BOO! Aces Studios Get Shuts Down!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ManagerJosh, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    BOO! Aces Studios Get Shuts Down!

    I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT!! ARGH!! NOOO! THIS SUCKS!!! For some of you hard core fans, better sit down because of this tidbit. Microsoft closed its ACES Studio, the team and studio which focuses its development on Microsoft Flight Simulator!

    THIS SUCKS!! One of my favorite games of all time just got its studio shut down! Though Microsoft is going to support it still, I just wonder how much longer will that be.

    I haven't even opened my copy of Flight Simulator X yet because I'm still loving FS2004!
  2. NatalFenix

    NatalFenix Lamb of Spiritual Flock

    Jammer/Sorry to hear that

    Man that sucks!
    Sorry to hear Josh! ;)
    from one fellow avid gamer to another I sincerely hope The sims 3 will fill that void which was created in your gaming soul ;)
    erm take it any which way you want!
    Just a consolidating message to "Try" to cheer you up

    I too in the past have lost games that meant a great deal to me growing up as a kid due to foreclosures or Redundancy matters or simply cuz they just couldnt be assed! (brit saying)

    It sucks Big Time That is the honest truth!
    but we move on and find other means to ease the blow!

    Such as TS3!
    well for me I just found out there WILL be a Starcraft 2!
    was like " no friggin' way!" lol
    i am a bt behind in the gaming word Lately Because of
    A) Studies & ..
    B) Girlfriend issues .. etc etc =D

    But no one way or another come hell or high water I WILL make every effort possible to play the sims 3 and escape into my little world!:rolleyes:
    ha ha

    Well maybe this Made you chuckle a bit or anyone else whom may have read it, if so I have done my Job!
    I live to "try" to make others laugh and cheer up Pals if they have 'had a bad day' or in a real Mood for no bladdy reason at all!!! :mad: lol
    See you around Josh :D
  3. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    Here ya go Josh!
    I swiped this off of Fudzilla!

    Expansion rights go to startup Mamba Games

    The news
    that Microsoft dissolved the ACES Studio responsible for Microsoft’s Flight Simulator product really caught everyone by surprise; but even though we know at least from Microsoft the title is as dead as dead can be, Mamba Games has announced that they have secured the global rights to six Microsoft Flight Simulator X add-on packs that will be released over a two-year period.

    Mamba Games is a start-up company that is being headed by former THQ executive, Robert Nielson, and the company made the announcement about securing the rights to the six add-on packs for Flight Simulator X. The first add-on that will be released is the Grumman F6F Hellcat, which was developed by ReadFlight and is scheduled for release on March 27th.

    Mamba didn’t even let the news of bringing out the Flight Simulator X add-ons sink in before the company also announced that it has The Lost Crown: A Ghost-hunting Adventure on tap for the PC that should start shipping on the 27th of March, as well. The Lost Crown is created by independent adventure game creator Jonathan Boakes of Dark Fall fame.

    The company is also planning the release of the PC title Pyroblazer, which is a combat racing game that comes from Serbian developer Eipix that will be released in Germany, Australia, and Switzerland on March 27th, as well. The company also has Matchman from TF-H Co Ltd on track for the Nintendo DS, with a release planned in the second quarter of this year, as well as a Nintendo Wii and PlayStation 3 version that are expected to be launched later in the year.
  4. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    But these are just add-on packs Steve! Not full fledged Expansion packs! Add-On packs are the equalivent of stuff packs in The Sims 2.
  5. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    Damn that sucks but at least you get different airplanes to fly around too! :ducks:
  6. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    I can do that with third-party free add-ons already!
  7. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    picky picky picky
  8. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Of course I am :D. I'm picky about my games... :D

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