News 2/10/09 - 8 new character renders and 1 screen from The Sims 3

Discussion in 'The Sims 3' started by Judhudson, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. Judhudson

    Judhudson is a Hi-Tech Redneck

  2. NatalFenix

    NatalFenix Lamb of Spiritual Flock

    Thanks JudHudson!
    but not being nitpicky or anything aren't those from lasts years Preview?
    I recall seeing the last screenshot sometime in june/july last year in a mag(Albeit in a South African Mag ) but still nevertheless it was in there!
    So Am I right in assuming these are in fact OLD new news?
    if so No Biggie thanks anyway for the Great Find! ;)
    LOL look @ the Muscle Guy he's all muscle above and none down below where it counts! um no no NOT there!:eek: I'm talking MidSection People!

    I.e Big Guns (massive Arms) sure:rolleyes: but look at his pecs and more importantly his Abs! they (abs) look like Putty just plastered on! not very flattering more like 'Flattening':silly:
  3. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    Is it me or does the horizon behind the town look kinda Sporish?

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