Are You On Twitter?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ManagerJosh, Feb 11, 2009.

  1. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Are You On Twitter?

    Are you on twitter? Are you on Twitter? This thread is meant as list of everyone who is on Twitter.

    I'm on Twitter...but I'll let you have some fun finding out where I am :D
  2. NatalFenix

    NatalFenix Lamb of Spiritual Flock

    ha ha
    yeah me too
    let you guys figure that one out as well :rolleyes:

    Lets turn this into a treasure hunt!
    first to find Josh's username wins.. um what exactly i have no clue:confused:

    On Your Marks .. Get Set.. (gun shot) GO!:D
  3. chrst0322

    chrst0322 Member

    I'm on twitter too:eek:*Goes to twitter to try to find the elusive josh*lol
  4. chrst0322

    chrst0322 Member

    I think i found josh aka managerjosh,sent him a follower
  5. NatalFenix

    NatalFenix Lamb of Spiritual Flock

    LOL welldone Christine!
    you win a "noddy badge"
    ha ha
    recall that?
  6. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    Twitter! Just another MySpace type thing for people to hack into and steal their info ! :rotfl: :ducks:
  7. NatalFenix

    NatalFenix Lamb of Spiritual Flock

    LOL too true! :weeping:
  8. Judhudson

    Judhudson is a Hi-Tech Redneck

  9. NatalFenix

    NatalFenix Lamb of Spiritual Flock

    LOL Jud!
    Tweeten tweeter to you!
  10. Nyx

    Nyx The Ever-Knowing

    gah! twitter confuses me...i went there twice. but haven't registered. probably because i got sick of facebook and myspace.
  11. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    HAHAHA! Probably more so MySpace than facebook :D

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