Sims 3 Coming to Mac, PC, iPhone and iPod Touch Concurrently!

Discussion in 'The Sims 3' started by ManagerJosh, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Sims 3 Coming to Mac, PC, iPhone and iPod Touch Concurrently!

    WOOT! It looks like it's gonna be a big day for everyone! Buying Sims 3 for PC/Mac and then for iPod Touch and iPhone...

    Hmm... anyone wanna buy me a 2nd Generation iPod Touch? :D I'd love to have one as a gift :D ;) :stirthepot:
  2. Nyx

    Nyx The Ever-Knowing

    Hah, If we did, where would we send it to? or should I just give it to you in
    plus I didn't even get my own iphone and ipod, father got it for me to be able to talk to him whenever he has the time wherever he is in the world...
  3. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    All things apple are evil!
  4. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    Very true Flame! :ducks: :rotfl:
  5. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    SHHHH!! Don't say that in front of John!!
  6. Judhudson

    Judhudson is a Hi-Tech Redneck

    Yeah, John will tear you a new new one :p
  7. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    *motions toward avatar*

    You better believe it. :p
  8. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    Me notices that John's avatar is kinda blurry looking where as Flamey's is crisp and clean looking! :ducks:
    Maybe Mac's 25th year birthday isn't so good for it! :rotfl:
  9. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    It's called ART! And besides, the Mac experience is like fine wine :tongue:. The longer Mac's have been around, the better it has become :p :rotfl: :stirthepot: :ducks:
  10. Nyx

    Nyx The Ever-Knowing

    Clocks everyone with my Browning HP on the head who gives apple a bad name! LOL...
  11. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    What did you hit me for? *sniffs*
  12. Nyx

    Nyx The Ever-Knowing

    Not everyone! just the people [you know who you are] who practically bad named my Apple...
    There, there *gives sorry hug to Josh*
  13. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    I fundamentally disagree with this statement. It renders quite clearly on my Mac. :p
  14. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    Foolish Josh has been changing my posts yet again. I am sure that I posted that this is great news and that we must all hail the Mac!

    Also, John's Mac logo looks a lot cleaner than my avatar. Mine took a few minutes to create transparency which is required due to Josh changing the colors of the forum every so often. Perhaps I'll run it through the GIMP (Should Windows fail me I will be forced to turn to Linux :p ) to smooth it out a bit.
  15. Nyx

    Nyx The Ever-Knowing

    Bad Josh...*shakes head*
    .....but then why are your avatar hailing Windows Flame? *raises eyebrow*

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