Improving the Forums, Site Hey we're looking for feedback as we venture towards our next major upgrades to the site when Sims 3 comes out. Any feedback would be wonderful
Agreed. The other thing is... if we could get a nice, springy color scheme.... not tacky-bright, but bright...
I'm sorry but this kind of crap reminds me too much of SmileyCentral. And if you know anything about SmileyCentral you know to avoid it like the Black Death.
I haven't signed any agreements with SmileyCentral lately, so if they're popping up, screenshot it's positioning.
Cause if you ad block, it means WorldSims doesn't get any money With the exception of Google Adsense, all the other ads we have are cost per thousand of impressions.
Not in my opinion Nyx, I don't want annoy flash ads taking over half the screen and using my expensive (Australia) bandwidth. Really using the web is so much nicer with no ads. The Google Adsense ads are OK though as they're not as distracting as the flash based ads.
Sigh you know what's annoying? I deactivate the Imvu ads only to learn they've been reactivated by someone else.. ARRGHH
HAHAHA... NOOO Not someone on our team. It was done by another advertiser.... and I can't figure out where it's coming from.. GAHH!
Well surprisingly enough (and I'm sure I'm going to jinx us all) :ducks: but I've not noticed it yet since I've been in here and normally it's in almost every thread I read!
Sigh... what a headache. You try blocking it at every level possible but it still rears its ugly head. SIGH