GameDaily - Six Sims Games We Don’t Want (and Six We Do) I don’t know how or why, but this post completely slipped past my radar.* Someone from The Sims 2 BBS brought this page to my attention.* GameDaily shares their thoughts of the 6 Sims expansions that they want and 6 they don’t want to see.* Some are pretty funny! Do Not Want: The Sims Babysitting (featuring Octomom) Run a minimally-staffed daycare center for toddler Sims who each have the same Aspiration: get your attention. Clean up spills, repair broken toys and keep the tots away from electrical wires, candy-dispensing creeps, germs, each other and a front door that doesn’t seem to stay closed. Unlucky Sims gain a surprise visit by celebrity guest Octomom, who will arrive with 14 kids under the age of eight. She’ll continue to give birth to additional babies for the duration of her stay, all while asking for “volume” discounts. New items include a 20-occupancy stroller, crayon-stained pants, vomit-stained shirts and a decreased sense of self-worth. More here