Support Genuine Copies of Sims 3!!

Discussion in 'The Sims 3' started by ManagerJosh, May 22, 2009.

  1. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Support Genuine Copies of Sims 3!!

    I've been talking with many Maxoids, fellow Creator Campers this week, and fellow webmasters. We're all very disappointed and bummed out that the game got leaked earlier. Many of us are unhappy as we know what the repercussions could be.

    As a show of support, let's show the 300+ people who worked countless hours for the last four years on The Sims 3 that pirating is bad.

    The pirated version is a buggy, pre-final version! It's not even the full game! Not complete! Half the entire world, an entire second city is missing! What's the point?

    It doesn't even have free Sims Points! But it does have SecuROM. :-P

    Plus, did you guys ever thought to think that when those games are loaded, it's accessing The Sims 3 website? It means your IP addresses are being logged and EA now knows who's pirated The Sims 3.

    Why risk your necks for a buggy, incomplete, SecuROMed version of The Sims 3?

    Support the real deal. Support and Buy The Real Sims 3!!!
  2. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    Ah darn I almost feel sorry for the thieving bassturds! ALMOST!! :ducks:
  3. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    From what I can tell, that second 'city' only appears after the game is activated and assuming it's already in the game files, it will be cracked anyway.

    Simpoints? Hahaha, I am unsure what these are but I assume they allow you to pay for objects that should already be in the game?

    SecuROM will be with the full game aswell I can assume so no great loss, and the leaked version probably has it removed.

    You should not allow any software access to the internet unless you know exactly what it is doing and it has your permission.

    The 'complete' game will also be filled with bugs, what's new here?

    Support EA? Keep dreaming! They should charge a reasonable price for a working piece of software.
  4. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    I think it's the Aussie distributors who are charging you an arm and a leg Flamey. Not EA.
  5. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    EA charge $89.99AUD which is worth ~$70USD. It is EA Josh.

  6. DannysBear

    DannysBear Bear of Scotland

    Nothing access sites unless you allow it to. also the ip dose not connect to your home only to the exchange then EA would need legal documents to see who is connected to IP.
  7. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    Most firewalls do not stop programs from connecting to internet hosts as long as they are only making requests, not serving pages, etc.

    Finding out who a user was from their IP is a lot more difficult, at least here in Aus. It requires a police warrant taken to the ISP, which isn't going to happen fast for a civil matter.
  8. DannysBear

    DannysBear Bear of Scotland

    al my systems I built for 13 years are setup so you can control the flow :) Pluss my crew delt with alot of people being band from there ISP's :D and legal situations.

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