5/27/09 - Sims 2 BBS (BabyTink829) already has The Sims 3 BabyTink829 from The Sims 2 BBS posted a message that she already has a copy of The Sims 3 in which she bought at her local Hastings store.* While at first it was hard for many others to believe her, she was kind enough to prove her point by scanning various pages of the game’s manual: Huge thanks goes to reader Johnny Smith for letting me know
Congrats to her for getting the game early. I can't say I'm surprised. I knew it was bound to happen. My goodness though, could people be any more rude and spiteful to the poor girl. I couldn't believe half of what I was reading.
I didn't see her post but it doesn't surprise me that people were rude. For one thing I'm sure they thought it was an illegal copy. But when someone just slips up on a good deal people get jealous that they didn't get it. Hastings shouldn't have released it though and I wonder what EA can and will do about it. Ruth