some questions about sims 3...

Discussion in 'The Sims 3' started by BeeLynn12345, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. BeeLynn12345

    BeeLynn12345 New Member

    some questions about sims 3...

    i have some questions before i make sure i want to buy it... so please let me know, any answers will help.

    1.Can you have more then one family, but only play one at a time??

    2. i know some of the buildings you can't go into, but is there any you can??

    3. Can you build your own town?? or can you only download them?

    4. i just have to ask.. can teens and young adults get pregnant now??:p

    5. How many people can you have in a family??

    sorry if i'm bugging anyone, i just really love sims. :eek: any advice about the game can help, cause i have many questions, i just can't think of them all.... so please help me. ha
    and again sorry if i'm bugging anyone... just really curious!?
    so leave any info about the game :D
    please &
    thank you!

  2. Valagil

    Valagil New Member

    1.Can you have more then one family, but only play one at a time??
    You can have pretty much as many families as you want. You basically play one family at a time, yes. If you want to play another family just go to edit town and you can change your active family.

    2. i know some of the buildings you can't go into, but is there any you can??
    You can actually go in to quite a few. You can go in to the art gallery, gym, library, pool, park, all the fishing locations, graveyard, beach, You can also go to the cafe and choose the eat outside option. To be honest, I don't feel like I am missing anything by not going in to the other buildings. At the grocery store and bookstore, I just tell my sim what to by, she buys said objects and leaves. I don't feel that I am really missing all the much not watching her.

    3. Can you build your own town?? or can you only download them?
    You can not currently build your own town. There was talk back before the delay that they would be releasing a neighborhood creation tool. I haven't heard anything about it since. However, you can download Riverview once you register your game.

    4. i just have to ask.. can teens and young adults get pregnant now??
    Teens can not get pregnant. Young adults are now to default age. They are much like "adults" in TS2. Young adults now represent ages 19-30 or there about. Adults in TS3 are considered closer to middle age (although I don't count 30's as middle age). You can give the wrinkles and such to help represent being a little older than YO.
    5. How many people can you have in a family??
    The family size is still 8 just like TS2.

    All in all I am really enjoying the game. It is not perfect, but imo it is a lot of fun. I've lost many hours to the game already. I personally haven't experienced any game breaking bugs. If you do think of any other questions, ask away, lol.
  3. BeeLynn12345

    BeeLynn12345 New Member

    valagil- thanks so much, you really helped me and now i want the game even more! it sounds so much fun, specialy since now you can put stuff in angles and all that! :eek: lol i'm really looking forward to getting this. :D
  4. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Did you get Sims 3 yet? :D
  5. BeeLynn12345

    BeeLynn12345 New Member

    yes i did! it's great, but i think i wore myself out at the beginning. lol it's not as exciting as i thought it would be because i researched so much about it. :embarrassed: lol
  6. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    give it time and it will grow on you.
    I thought the same thing when I first got it expecting the same old boring gameplay like in Sims2 but I was a bit surprised in fact I'm actually playing more than building like I normally do.
  7. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    I still haven't had a whole lot of time to play. I've been obsessed at developing perfect Sims...

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