Currently I'm playing Fallout New Vegas which despite the bugs is still pretty cool since I was a big fan of Fallout 3 and this game ( that someone who's name shall not be mentioned ) introduced me to called Minecraft is pretty fun to play too.
I've just been playing Minecraft and running a server for it lately. That's been taking up all my free time. I need more hours in the day, or just a way to not sleep!
It's nice they added support for texture packs but the one I tried to use wouldn't work for some reason.
It was reported on Gamespot today and I first read it over at Blue's News. Something about someone claiming to have seen something that sounded Oblivion related .
Definitely perks my interests ! I loved playing Oblivion as it was one of my all time favorite game even more so after some of the really good game mods came out for it. I really should have finished it but after my previous hard drive died I never reinstalled it and Fallout 3 came along too that kinda took it's place.