Troubleshooting Uncontrollable Sims

Discussion in 'The Sims 3' started by Matt Serafini, Jun 22, 2011.

  1. Matt Serafini

    Matt Serafini New Member

    Hi. I have the Sims 3 with World Adventures installed. I was playing for a few hours fine and then I invited my sims' girlfriend to eat. When she got there, I was going to make it a date. My sim arrived at the diner, and she was standing there. I tried clicking her but all it did was show her name. So I clicked the diner and hit eat with group. She and my sim went into the restaurant and later came out. Again, I tried to click her but it wouldn't work. Frustrated, I saved and quit. I then started/loaded up the game again. Now, not only could I not click her but my bottom two Sims' pictures were not in their boxes on the side. I tried to click them to find out that now I can't even control them. I left the game again and came here and found out about the reset sim cheat. I went into the game and used it on my sims' girlfriend, an NPC, and she vanished. I then tried to use it on my bottom two sims but it wouldn't do anything. I quit without saving. Please help me regain control of my sims!
  2. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    The first thing to try is "resetsim firstname lastname" using the name of your Sim who can't be controlled.

    However, there's a new bug which came with the recent Generations update that has been making some Sims uncontrollable and people don't seem to be able to get it to work right even with resetsim. Hopefully, though, resetsim will do the job.
  3. Matt Serafini

    Matt Serafini New Member

    Well like I said, I did try that and it wouldn't do anything. Also, I don't have Generations. Would getting that solve my problem?
  4. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    You don't have to have Generations to have the Generations problem. All you have to have is the most recent update. Prior to that update, I've not heard that the problems would persist past using resetsim.
  5. Matt Serafini

    Matt Serafini New Member

    So what cAn I do now?
  6. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Start a different family seems to be what most people have to do. There've been a lot of complaints about this ruining legacy families.

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