Mind Game Riddle I'm trying to understand the workings of this riddle... Its called an ABCD game or A+B+C = D Anyone knows how this works? Example: Confusing huh? it gets worst... Example 2: I'm stumped...anyone understand it?
Um... yeah. Hrm, I have no clue if this is right or not... I'm just taking a guess... :confusion: Example 1 A = Cup (A cup holds a drink) B = Photo (A photo holds memories) C = Fork (A fork holds food) D = Pepper Holder (A pepper holder holds pepper...ergh, that was obvious) Example 2 (All senses) A = Your Eyes (Sight) B = Your Nose (Smell) C = Your Ears (Sound) D = Your Hands (Touch) Erm, that was the only thing I could think of... yup. Weee! Okie! aranoid:
I would have to assume its mouth since the other body parts are associated with the 5 scenes although I still dont fully understand how Pepper Holder relates to the other 3 items
Forget about abc think on d if you say boat that wrong but if you say d is boat that right as it d is word that answer every time