Do you hate computers as well as I?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PhilipTarbuck, Nov 11, 2002.

  1. PhilipTarbuck

    PhilipTarbuck New Member

    Do you hate computers as well as I?

    They are loathsome things. Because I was running a firewall, that same firewall decided that I didn't need my task bar and refused to let me have it.
    Because I had two graphics cards in my machine - one decent one and one poor one - the computer decided it would read the poor one and refused to let me see the decent one.
    Why is it that if I had wanted the computer repaired by a repair man it would have cost me about the same as a new computer.
    How lucky I am to have a relation who is a hardware engineer. How unlucky I am to have a relation who is a hardware engineer. After all, he fixed the poor quality card and caused my computer to refuse to do anything for several days. I had to read a book. I had already read a book and this one was the same - just a lot of words.
    Computers are often thrown out of windows. I daren't. I don't suppose it would ever play games again.
    Please tell me how on earth you get on with the disgraceful things. They never say thank you. They always say that anything that happens is your fault - not theirs - never theirs.
  2. kellie marie

    kellie marie New Member

    LOL!! Sometimes computers can be a nuisance.
  3. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    Philip I really feel for you. I think you need someone that does know hardware and software. For the moment it sounds like a software problem. You maybe should get all your documents and saved files on backup discs, then have someone help you wipe your HDD totally clean (i.e. format) then reinstall everything fresh. MAYBE it's a solution. I don't know. And you need someone that is good at software to help you configure all settings and drivers you need, unless you can do it your self.
    Anyhow here's a couple of url's they wont help you with your puter, but I hope they will give you a lil smile despite all.

  4. PhilipTarbuck

    PhilipTarbuck New Member

    Nina I am so grateful to you for being so understanding. All my troubles are over for the moment. The old card has been taken away (and left with me?) and the Firewall has been told to leave my task bar alone, which it is doing - at present. All my games (except Mayday) are working (at present!!). Life is great, for the moment. It will do it again - I know it - I just have to wait for it.
    I shall try the url's which you have so kindly given to me. I did not lose my temper with the computer. After all, you can't hit it and if you tell it off it just replies with an even greater attack of the sulks..
    Kelly - thank you for you empathy. My computer and I are friends at present.
  5. PhilipTarbuck

    PhilipTarbuck New Member

    I have just had a look at the site. It is very good - I didn't know that they actually had sites like that.
    Far worse, I thought that I had hurt my young dog when I gave her a bath this evening. She was hobbling about on three legs. Then I called to the bigger dog to take a goodie from me. He ran in ok - and so did the young dog, with nothing at all apparently wrong. I think the dog got the idea from the computer.
  6. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    Lol Philip. Animals can really fool you sometimes. This is 2 things I've experienced myself.

    I remember this swedish pony at the ridingcamps when I was young. He was the "guines pig" for us to train how to put on bandages on legs and hoofs. he was all patience for an hour. When we were fininshed and should take him to his box - he couldn't walk!! He was lame on all 4 legs! He really thouught he was ill. LOL. Poor thing. :)

    A horse at the ridingschool suddenly went lame everytime the saddle came into sight. The horse was let out to the paddock instead. The strange thing was that every evening when going into the stable he wasn't lame anymore. One day we spyed on him by taking up a mirror... As soon as he thought we didn't see him - he was all fine again. When we went inot sight -ooh was he lame!!! :LOL:

    Anyway I'm really happy you and your puter are friends for now. :) and those url's? They arre just for fun. :D Enjoy.
  7. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I'm glad you have a cooperative computer for now Phillip!! Yes, they are very frustrating!! I remember a silly poem about a computer, something about "I really hate this silly thing, I think that I should sell it, it never does just what I want, but only what I TELL it!!" heehee! :p

    Yes, when you have 2 graphics cards, it seems the computer needs LOTS of instructions to use the NEW one and not the OLD one! My brother got a new graphics card, and then found out he could NOT install it on the motherboard because the OLD graphics card was built into it! :( He got something he could plug in from the outside of the tower then, and now his games work! Computers CAN make things easier... but they also bring up so many things that can go WRONG that we would never have to deal with if we didn't have them to make things "more convienient!" ;)
  8. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    About animals, my dad knew a man who had a bad leg, and he noticed his little dog was limping too... then after a while he noticed that the little dog would CHANGE which leg he was favoring!! :D
  9. Jake

    Jake New Member

    be smarter than the computer...
  10. PhilipTarbuck

    PhilipTarbuck New Member

    defantum: How? My computer does what it wants when it wants to. If, right now, it suddenly decided to throw a filthy huf and close down for the rest of the day, what should I do?
    At present the computer will defrag a drive but will not scan it? No doubt that has something to do with the firewall and/or the anti-virus and/or something else?
    I am told that the Mac is a better machine, but they just don't do the games for the Mac and so, I am afraid, it will not do for me.
    I would love to be smarter than the computer - I just don't know how. I could take a few courses but, from what I have seen of computer salesmen, their stock-in-trade is the ability to tell fibs.
  11. Droz

    Droz New Member

    Mac isn't better, its easier, but it loses a lot (such as the ability to right-click).

    You probably won't like this, but it sounds like you need to remove one of the video cards and reformat your HD, that'll get rid of the broken links and such that build up over time and cause your computer to run poorly, however it also deletes everything else on your computer including your Operating System (which is probably Windows).
  12. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    Good idea SeeD when you say that.

    Philip make sure you have backups on all your workingfiles, eventual downloads for sims or likewise that can't be reinstalled from a program disc. Then do what SeeD suggests. Then reinstall the system and allprograms from scratch. Then you put in all your saved files again.

    In fact one of my friends (computer and networktechnicians) says that you should do this once a year actually to grt rid of all the crapfiles and tits and bits that slows down and irritates your puter.

    Whatever you do Philip - good luck. :classic:
  13. Jake

    Jake New Member

    as a side note, if you have installed windows xp over another operating system (such as windows 98) then install the old one first, install all of the programs that you want on that are kinda old, then install xp. i have some experience with xp not letting a friend install some old games and programs for some reason when xp is installed on a fresh computer (ie, not over a dif operatin system), yet i have all the same ones running on my machine and i installed over 98
  14. PhilipTarbuck

    PhilipTarbuck New Member

    On second thoughts, I suppose I could back up everything I have on hard disc that I do not have on a cd. That wouldn't take very long because I don't keep out of date games and Word documents are kept on cd-rw generally.
    Windows - you have to have it otherwise you can't play games - can you?
    My son-in-law got rid of the second card (after a devil of a long delay) and, eventually, I got rid of the firewall's irritating attitude. At present everything (almost - not AOL at present) is working completely ok.
    You have disappointed me about the Mac - but I couldn't have it anyway.
    Thanks for the wishes of good luck.
    I used to think, when I was a lad last year, that other countries didn't have dogs, cats, goats, rabbits, etc. Now I begin to realise that they do.
    I thought they all had nice kind people - now I realise that people are exactly the same all over the world. Some nice - some nasty - most in the middle. But, there are national characteristics. I wouldn't dream of mentioning what I think that they might be.
  15. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    Sounds like an good idea Philip. At least to me. Backups are never wrong.
    And you're right about people I believe. But to me it seems that some of the very best have found theire way here. :classic:
    National characteristics?? You really get me curious. Of yourse have that. It would real strange id we didn't. I can see characteristics as something very positive too, something to learn from. :classic:

    *gives Philip a big hug*
  16. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I'm glad your computer is working better now Phillip! :)
    I had trouble not being able to scan mine before, turned out some kind of anti-virus software was running in the background and we had to disable it because it was changing what was happening with files, and THAT was making it start the scan over... and over.... and over! :p
  17. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    Ohh. That's no fun Fae. I have Norton AV always going in the back. It doesn't interfere with my scanner at all. Could it be the settings?

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