Are You A SimAddict?

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by ManagerJosh, Nov 19, 2002.

  1. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    haha that much of a handful huh? ;) How old is he? I have nephews 8, 5, and 1 1/2! They can wear me out and I'm not even with them the entire day! :p
  2. lewdini

    lewdini Moderate Sith Lord

    What about children of your own?
  3. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    You know you're addicted when you create your own family and add the little girl you never had.
  4. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I have no children of my own yet lew, working on getting healthy enough to HAVE kids! That's a concern with my chronic illness though... and now I've got other worries, I try to hope and not think too much... :p
  5. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Maybe I should create my hopefull dream family of me and hubby with kids Pokey, great idea! ;)
  6. Oxypertine

    Oxypertine New Member

    He's nearly 5 y/o, FaeLuna.
    Only a few more days 'til school starts again *WOOOOHOOOO!!!* :LOL:
  7. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Sounds like a happy moment!! More Sims/computer time for you! ;) ;) :p
  8. lewdini

    lewdini Moderate Sith Lord

    Lol!! Well enjoy the extra personal time
  9. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    Oh yes, the boys go back to school on Monday! No more, when are you getting off the internet so we can play! :LOL:

    *they got internet hook-up for the playstation2 for Christmas*
  10. hataz_gon_hate

    hataz_gon_hate Be Nice

    wow, well ps2 hookups arent available here
  11. lewdini

    lewdini Moderate Sith Lord bout becoming my godmother so i can get a decent PS2 :p
  12. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    LOL Lew, I would send you one if I could.

    Ok, I have the ultimate addicted post.

    You know you are addicted to sims when you start dreaming in chat mode. :LOL:

    I have started to do that!
  13. lewdini

    lewdini Moderate Sith Lord

    You know you are addicted to sims when you start planting rosebuds to earn cash.
  14. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    You know you are addicted to the sims when the hubby gets you the sims2 for playstation 2 and not the stradegy guide because he thinks you already know all the answers. :classic:
  15. lewdini

    lewdini Moderate Sith Lord

    U know you are addicted when you get TSO without the means to play it
    I am still waiting for a broadband connection
  16. ss8goku

    ss8goku New Member

    ive never done this and hope not to ever do it

    u no u are addicted when you go to the bathroom and sit on the toilet minets after your done thinkin wut to do next on the sims.

    cloud your master
  17. hataz_gon_hate

    hataz_gon_hate Be Nice

    u know ur an addict when u expect to learn quickly in studyin cooking
  18. Billie

    Billie New Member

    u know ur addicted when u try to click on ur kids and put em ta bed...
  19. Emidio

    Emidio New Member

    You notice you are playing a lot once your breakfast is a steak and some salad.
  20. Jake

    Jake New Member

    you know your a sims addict when you start dancing like the sims do...

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