I'm not sure... what's your situation? How much mhz do you have, and how much RAM do you have? Mine runs slow because I don't have 350mhz which is the new minimum requirement for the Unleashed expansion pack. If you have tons of downloaded objects, walls, floors, and skins in your game, you might want to back up the files you don't actually use all the time, and only keep the one's you're currently using in your game. You can always rotate them out. Also check the settings, you can put settings to the lower detail and that can speed up your game speed.
Unleashed improved my game LOADING time... but my gameplay is too slow because I don't have 350 mhz, I just have 300 mhz. Check to see if your computer meets all the minimum requirements. Also, you might want to shut down ALL OTHER programs before you run your sims game! There are usually other things running in the background, like the screensaver and virus check and stuff like that.
You could click on one of the fast forward buttons while they are doing something that you want to go faster. They are on the bottom left of the screen and look like an arrow and a double arrow. You can also pause the game using the one that looks like an equal sign.
Another thing I do is like Lew suggested. I make all my .iff files "read only". It does seem to help.
How about trying to defrag your PC? Try scan disk and disk clean up too.. I did it before and it did work much better..
I've the best solution, expand your PC, expand something, anything, the RAM, the VGA, the CPU, and you'll note some difference. I've expanded my PC and now i can have a full family, with a huge house, with trees and a lot of things and it runs well. I know that it may cost too much money, but i can say that it's money well spent.
Yes that would mosy obviously work...but I think she wants to make it run faster without having to pay money to improve the com
True. My game was choppy at best with all expansions except Deluxe. At that time I only had 128rambusram. My hubby added more and now with 640rambusram, my game runs really smooth and now I also have Deluxe.
We got more RAM so things would work better... but now we're realizing we can't do much with only 300 mhz processor speed.
I think if u are really desperate for the game to be smoother...try playing without any downloaded stuff....though i prefer the game with all the downloads
You can have sometimes that your Sims copy freezes during startup-paticullay nea r the reticulatikng spines stage -bevause you may have laege object files-remove them, and yourgame will run normally-it has haopred to me today.
Regularly defraging your computer also seems to help speed up both the loading and game playing. Ive recently upgraded my computer and here lately It's becoming quite a challenge to "keep up" with my characters at times. Wishing you the best!
Unleashed works fine on a 667 Mhz computer, that the Sims is run on-as mine is only 33mhz-it insralled-very xlow, but fast on any machione with 350mhz or faster.