Hacker track in UL Recetly, using a computer to find a job , my sim found the Hacker cocarrer-even though I have UL-why would appear in the search popup message-is it a career trackin UL?
What do you mean? Why did you get that career? Expansion packs add on stuff, they don't take away stuff, you have your LL and your UL careers too.
Well,,in my UL game in one of my sims job panel, it says 'beta tester' in the Hacker track -which I believe is a LL/Deluxe Ed. career track-it's nopt suppoed to be in Unleashed-correct?, I got the career fthru a com[puter obnject I got from the Web.
It may be the computer. You need to make sure that if you use those careers, that it doesn't cause problems with the possiblity that the skins for the careers may not be there. I have only had the expansions in order, so I don't know if the later ones kept the career tracks from the previous ones.
Probably some hacked thing, well, if you don;t have LL or DE, just leave it alone, and don't get those jobs.
There is a supercomputer found at Simstitution that has all the jobs on it as well as the ability to make friends, check email, increase your skill and personality points, and has an online doctor.
LMAO if you install an expansion pack, all careers of the previous packs are installed too. So if you install UL, it will contain all careers of TS, LL, HP, HD, VA and UL Don't worry . . . Greets, Tom.