Welcome MegRen, but no. Lets see SBW should be at work.... and surely Mirely is home by now (9am PST) so I'll guess vchat
That makes so much sense, Michelle! I doubt Kupo will be running for a long time SBW. You don't feel up to running, do you Kupo?
sorry... just to let you all know...... I'll be out of town till next monday so if you guess me you'll be wrong. Witches?
Yes! Me. I've been working. I downloaded your trashy sidewalks last night Lynet, but had to go to bed. Can't wait to try them! Um, let's see ... 123?
The trashy sidewalks are in SBW's Lola Phoenix thread--no idea what the real name for it is...something about the Search for Love? Kupo?
Nope, me again. It's a long name, Porta de Luca, or the Search for Love. You can also view them in the Dear Emmy thread, Babe. I begged Lynet for her graffitied walls and trashy sidewalks. They really class up a joint. Babe?
Here I am again! Now I can only hobble and at the speed I run is the speed my friends walk at. Uh oh, please pull me up again, Mirelly! I've tripped again...
I'm back! It was a long trip, but lots of fun. Unfortunatly on my way home today my dad called to tell me that my great-aunt had passed away. She never had any children of her own, so we were kind of like her grandkids as well. Every time I saw her she reminded me that Shana was the Hebrew name that means pretty face. (that always struck me as funny that Shana is a Jewish name and my dad is from a strict Catholic family, my mom is from a strict Lutheran family) She was a sweet and extreamly active lady. Went on missionary trips up until she was in her late 70's. Thankfully she died peacefully in her sleep. Not exactly the way I wanted to end my vacation. Funeral is tomorrow morning, which means I get to take one more day off of work. *sigh* Anyway, it's good to be back...and man do I have a TON of catching up to do! It's going to take me 3 hours to read everything! I'll guess Babe?
Oh my god, your great aunt died? I'm so sorry! Wow, we seem to have members' relatives dying left and right....yeah, that sounded insensitive. Was she really close to you?
She was more like a grandma to me than my "great aunt". My grandma and grandpa on that side of the family passed away in 1999 and 2001. But even before then she acted like a 2nd grandma. She never married or had children. Traveled all the time, she was very strong in her faith. She was a nurse, and she went on missionary trips to South America all the time...she was truely an amazing woman. She was in her early 90's though. She lived a wonderful life, and I'll miss her greatly. Oh, and 123, don't worry, it didn't sound insensitive, at least not to me. I was actually thinking the same thing. SBW?
Yeah! Shana, she lived a really long and fruitful life--I think she died happy. 90 years?! That's pretty long, isn't it?
She was 93, born Dec. 25th, 1911...Christmas day. She worked as a nurse until she retired at age 81! She was a remarkable woman. Anyway... Babe?
That's about 9 times my age! I'm sure that she felt that you were her grandchild as well. She probably was never lonely! Its great that she contributed to the world. So, Shana, are you okay then? Don't ever get down on life (that makes me a hypocrite)! Some words of encouragement, Vchat?