The Sims - Guides

Discussion in 'The Sims 1' started by Grey, Feb 24, 2003.

  1. Grey

    Grey On the edge of Insanity

    The Sims - Guides

    Well basically this thread is for guides to play the sims, we all wright a small guide to acheive different things. This is made so that both new players and even experienced players can look for a bit of help here and there.

    I have basically just started a new game of the sims, that's right, completeley erased all my old ones:p So as i play through i will be giving a handy guide :D ain't i nice? no? :(

    Here goes.

    Strategie #1. Getting your main sim.

    I'm not sure about most players, but even though i have multiple sims, i have one certain sim family which i focus on the most, that's becuase it was my first sim of that neighbourhood, who i like to refer to as "the main sim."

    This guide will help out players starting off a new "main sim" or just getting another sim off to a good start in their sim life.

    Step 1.

    Create your sim, when filling in the characteristics their is something you must NOT do if you want the perfect sim. When selecting points for neatness, how nice your sim is, how active your sim is and so-on. leave all bars blank, do not fill in any points! (NOTE: This is only for those who wish to gain the perfect sim, otherwise continue giving your sim these points.)

    Step 2.

    Starting off. The best thing to do is evict the newbies home, if you are an expereinced player then go ahead and build a new home.

    Buy the science kit before buying ANYTHING for the house, the first thing you ABSOLUTLY must do to get a perfect sim is to buy the science kit. You will need to experiment with the science kit untill you get a certain potion. Use the science kit INSIDE as to avoid any fines from the police.

    Once you get a yellow potion (it may be another colour but i think it's yellow, experiment with them all nothing bad will happen at this stage.) drink it. The effect results in all the points which have been set low (nice, neat, active etc.) are now at the highest point. This means that your sim has each bar filled to the top, something you cannot acheive any other way.

    Step 3

    The basic essentials, open up the buy menu, purchase the BARE ESSENTIALS, NOTHING UNNECASSARY. This is so that you have a toilet, sink, desk, bed, chair, fridge and microwave. This means that you can keep your sims needs at an adequate level.

    The next thing to do is buy items that allow you to get experience points in areas such as cooking, mechanical and so on.

    Purchase a standar book case, have your sim sit down and study cooking, try to gain at least one cooking skill point a day. (it may take 2 days as you get to higher skill levels.) When this is done, study mechanical, do the same. After a while your sim will be a perfect cook and perfect mechanic. :D now sell the book case.

    Now time for charisma. Buy a mirror, just a wall mirror will do. Select "practice speech" and keep doing the same as you did with the cooking and mechanical so that you eventually get the highest charisma skill, then sell the mirror.

    Next is body! The best item for this is the bench press, this takes longer than most skills but works well. Again just train for a point each day untill you get the highest point. Then sell the bench press.

    After you should buy an eisel or piano for creativity, do the same training method. then sell the item as usual.

    Finally is logic, just buy a chess board and a chair to sit by the chessboard. Same old training routine! and yes sell it all afterwards.


    You must watch your sims needs while training them, make sure they go to the lavatory when their bladder is low, feed them when they are hungry, watch tv for fun, go to bed when exhausted! This will ensure your sim is happy while going thropugh "training."

    Step 4.

    You now have a perfect sim!:D This sim has the best work skills, the best personality traits, getting a job is easy, that will be described in another guide as will building a house.

    part 2 will be coming later, possible in a few days, maybe tonight.

    hope this helps.
  2. lewdini

    lewdini Moderate Sith Lord

    Next is the step i consider most important...building your dream home....
  3. BabyaSim

    BabyaSim New Member

    I suggest getb a styrategy fuide-whether online otoprintef.
  4. lewdini

    lewdini Moderate Sith Lord

    when u start...the idea is small, accessible and fufils the basic needs
  5. Grey

    Grey On the edge of Insanity

    HUSH! I said that i'd be regularly updating the guide, i said that careers and housing comes next! Read through the post before making a post about "you should do this" i said i would, and i will do once i get home. (at school, swhould be working but, bleh.)
  6. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Looking forward to the rest of your guides!

    My main things I always do when starting out my sim family is the instant they are on the lot with the house ready to go, I make them all study COOKING pretty much all of the first day, so they each have about 3 skill level points in it, and I make sure they have a telephone and fire alarm so they can't BURN DOWN the house or DIE in a fire!! I started being paranoid and doing this EVERY time because of the accident I had with one of my first sim families.... ;)
  7. Grey

    Grey On the edge of Insanity

    well i'll BE sure to EMPHASIZE the IMPORTANCE of those items when making my HOUSE tutorial which will be up in about 2 days, maybe IT will BE up TOMMORROW.

    :D i'm a cheeky little git :D
  8. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    OK... in the meantime, since you said we could all write a small guide on how to achieve different things, you won't mind if other people DO write little guides... do you? I didn't mean for my "how I try not have my sims die in a fire right away" little guide to upset you if it covered some stuff you planned for your house guide! :eek:
  9. Grey

    Grey On the edge of Insanity

    no go right ahead :)
  10. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    OK yay! I need to think of something else to write a guide on besides building houses, since you'll have that one done in a couple of days....
  11. Grey

    Grey On the edge of Insanity

    got anything good for hot date? I don't think i'll be covering it that greatly so that would be pretty handy, also i'm stil playing around with unleashed so that's another area you could help out in, pretty much any help would be great.

    When the whole guide is finished i'll put it all together with a special thanks to all helpful piosters, i'll make it a sticky so that anyone looking for a decent guide can check here. :)
  12. Grey

    Grey On the edge of Insanity

    sorry i won't be able to do anything here for a while becuase im really busy, but everyone feel free to write your own guides.
  13. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I just discovered 2 things I didn't realize I could USE this way before! The wonders of the No Sleeping Downtown/Old Town abuse feature, and the move_objects on used to Delete your Sim and Restore to all Green Stats feature!! :eek:

    I had to delete and restore my sim because she was stuck... and I noticed it raised all her stats back to high in the Green! Suddenly, I realized I didn't really have to let her eat, sleep, shower etc., just keep saving the game and then deleting and restoring her!! Also, I discovered I could take her to Downtown or Old Town lots and keep her there for DAYS chatting with other sims to make friends! Your interactions are more limited as your sim's hygene etc. is all in the red, but if you keep talking about interests and asking how they are, eventually the Target Friend sim will become so miserable themselves that you can Cheer Up with Comfort and Encourage over and over and they REALLY like that! :D

    In Unleashed I found you can do the same trick of deleting your pets to restore their stats, and then train them and train them over and over again all day and night, BUT you have to remember to SAVE the game before each time you delete the pet, or they forget they learned the trick or obedience points!

    Deleting your sim to restore them lets you make them study to increase their skills all evening and all night before work, then SAVE, and delete to restore them right before work, and they can get a promotion right away! :D

    NOTE: Never delete your mailbox, street trash can, or incoming Portals that are at each end of the sidewalk!! This can seriously mess up your game!!

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