Luv Him....Hate her

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by hataz_gon_hate, Feb 28, 2003.

  1. Bookworm42

    Bookworm42 Oh No! Bathtime! wasn't as lame a movie as I thought it might be....

    Yay, he got booted last night!!! :) (and if I told you this info before it aired in your area...sorry!!)

    Richard Hatch (Survivor)...
  2. IrishDragon

    IrishDragon New Member


    Brad Pitt? (i liked him more with long hair :D)
  3. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    *sigh* Thanks Book....Now I know in advance :(
    Brad Pitt...umm..Love him hate his Girlfriend ;)

    Luke Skywalker?
  4. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    Don't like him.
    Way to go Book. You've just ruined it for all of the Aussies on the board. :cry:
    On behalf of Book, I apologize for her lameness. ;)

    Book? :p

  5. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    Love her (except when she tells us the Survivor news in advance!) :p

    Dr. Phil?
  6. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    I don't really have an opinion of him. Nuetral.

    Edward Norton? (I think that's his name.:confused: )
  7. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    Ummmmm....:confused: I have no idea so I must declare this one neutral too:eek: How bout Johnny Depp then?
  8. Ballerina

    Ballerina New Member

    I like him very much

    Stephen King?
  9. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    Used to love him now I don't. He's a very disturbed man.

    Nicole Kidman
  10. Ballerina

    Ballerina New Member

    I like her

    Tom Welling (Clark in Smallville)
  11. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    Hate him.
    Red Hot Chilli Peppers?
  12. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    I don't really care for them.

    Twisted Sister. :p
  13. bt55106

    bt55106 New Member

    Hate Her

    Hayden Christenson
  14. hataz_gon_hate

    hataz_gon_hate Be Nice

    i dont like star wars stars so....hate him

    Keira Knightley
  15. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    Don't know this person... :confused:

    Ozzy Osborne
  16. AB_Cowgirl

    AB_Cowgirl New Member

    hate him

    George Strait?
  17. aliendrone

    aliendrone New Member

    i love her

  18. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    Don't always love her...Sometimes her music can be a bit samey....

    Ummmm....Carrie Bradshaw?
  19. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Never actually watched Sex & the City so no idea ...

    ... erm keeping the sex link ... ;) [size=-1]John Lydon?[/size]
  20. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    Sex Pistols John Lydon? LOL...there's a blast from my past...Love him
    How bout Boom Crash Opera?

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