Happy Birthday Bookworm42!! Happy Birthday Book!!!! May you have many more!! Hope you have a good day today!! *gives you a big birthday hug*
*gives Alapokey a BIG hug back* Thanks so much !! It was so nice of you to wish me Happy Birthday!! It really made my day, as wasn't expecting anyone here to wish me one, as I don't know alot of people yet! I'll try to be watching the birthday monitor next year for you!! My kids (little rugrats that they are) got me a card that says, "Happy Birthday Grandma, It's better to be over the hill, then under it!" Gee, thanks alot guys!! LOL
Happy Birthday, Bookworm! Hope you have many more enchanted birthdays for the future. You've always been a special part of my life. *gives Bookworm a friendly hug*
All my dogs and I wish you a Yappy Whelpday! Um... why 42? I've also used the name Celleigh42 online and the 42 was a reference to Douglas Adams. I'm just wondering if you use that number for the same reason.
happy erhm... very late birthday book from all of my personalities (me is def) *gets out a very chocolate cake to eat*
Belated Birthday Wishes!!! Sorry I wasn't here for your actual birthday! I'm curious about the 42 too. For the same reasons as Phoenix.
Thanks everybody!! LOL, Defantum/Pez_Candy!! Y'all want to know the reason for my name, well... The top ten reasons from the David Letterman show are: 10) Cause it sounded cool 9) it wasn't already taken 8) it separated me from the other 41 Bookworms 7) I have no imagination 6) to 4) I have no idea 3) Do not know who Douglas Adams is 2) A trucker term used on CB's meaning "Alright then" and the number one reason is!!! 1) It was my age at the time!!!! (Horrors!!) I've aged considerably since I started posting so feel MUCH older now!! LOL
I suppose that I am a bit too late (so like me, says my wife). Anyway, I hope you did have a happy birthday.