SimCity 4 Patch 2

Discussion in 'SimCity Legacy' started by PhilipTarbuck, Mar 30, 2003.

  1. PhilipTarbuck

    PhilipTarbuck New Member

    Patch 2

    I am waiting for Patch No.2? Is anyone else just waiting? I'm sure I must be doing something wrong because other people can make much bigger cities than I seem to be able to do.
  2. anikan

    anikan New Member

    patch 2

    ive waiting on it too
    i can not get bigger city's then 560k people until now
    i thin we missed the 8 stage buildings for it

    i hope it come soon ::bunny: :) :)
  3. PhilipTarbuck

    PhilipTarbuck New Member

    I think that it is probably the best thing that can happen - what? Making a decent sized city (or even a very small one) which is nearly perfect! Pleasant houses with decent green space and recreation facilities. Good working conditions, with very good transportation. I hated it when I had no sooner made a reasonable city than some military unit would come and blow them up. What a waste? Where would man be if that went on the whole of the time? That doesn't happen in Sim City, thank goodness. No disasters in my towns, please, except the odd naturaly disaster. No monsters or alien invaders etc.
    I wonder how many people feel as I do and how many are happy to knock things down.
    Mind you - I do play C&C Generals on odd occasions but don't tell anyone.
  4. anikan

    anikan New Member

    patch 2

    you got see very soon picture on my regio and city's
    mabey you see a few one now

    now my regio is about 2 milion ppl ,and its still growing


    i hope we seen al the stage 8 buildings the patch 2
  5. PhilipTarbuck

    PhilipTarbuck New Member

    I tried but I couldn't get the picture. I got the 'usual' result about difficulties, etc. I tried a total of three times.
    I think that what you said was: "I have a picture about my city and region. A link appears underneath and I would be glad if you would look at it as soon as possible. The region which I show consists of about 2 million people so far, and it is still growing."
    Am I right? Any way your command of English is a good deal better than my command of any other language. I am afriad that I speak only English. But, fortunately, I live in England. Just across the shallow ditch from you. In Hitcham, a village in Suffolk.
  6. PhilipTarbuck

    PhilipTarbuck New Member

    I wish my fingers would behave themselves on odd occasions. I have patch 2 - version1.0.272.0. I haven't had time to play with the game yet. I shall report back.
  7. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    the patch did get released just yesterday (number 2)
  8. anikan

    anikan New Member

    thanx for telling me
    for the second update from simcity 4
    i've installled and it works fine ,its a lot faster now
    now i see my big city in detail again :)

    there a lot new pictures on my simpage
    just click on simcity4 logo on the is this to open it

    enyou the pictures :bunny: :)

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