Anyone be interested in my concept tours

Discussion in 'The Sims 1' started by BabyaSim, Apr 4, 2003.

  1. BabyaSim

    BabyaSim New Member

    Anyone be interested in my concept tours

    I just thought of this-how about your Sims travel to our neighborhood where they can then goto on different tour packages-and we include great deals and sightseeing-inlcuding all accomodation for 500,they could be travel by email for my new tours proivider-Babya vacation tours?

    Downtown delight-1.2 Sim day

    Price: 120 for meals and transfers

    Enjoy the sights of downtown with our half day tour.
    See the beach, park and major shopping precinct
    Departs your lot at 9am sharp-returns 1:30 PM
    E-mail if interested-include your family .fam file and any skins that are free to share
    Beach Wine, Dine and Surf sim days/ 7 nights
    Price: 1250
    First we start with a tour of lot #48, with a brunch and morning tea, and meet your our Kana-tour director. You are free to look around the intercontinential resort (B, BR, and D)
    Next day we leave the Island and ferry across to Babya City's downtown suburb; we will meet 'townies' and have lunch at a nearby restaurant. Enough time to buy gifts(B, L)
    on the third day it's on to Oldtown to see a workplace in action we will look pets and a chance to buy one. Lunch is espresso and a pastry at Macarthur square (B, L)
    We return on the fourth day to our new location on vacation island, a Club Med resort-free time to explore-buy drinks, etc (B, D)
    Days 5/6 are romantic dating days-where your date can go away for 2 nights in downtown (L, D)
    Day 7 and 8 are on the Babya City In where you can order drinks and play pool-before leaving on the evening on day 8-have last drinks with fellow travellers
    All meals, outings and luxury cab and bus/SUV transfers included
    E-mail if interested-include your family .fam file and any skins that are free to share

    Babya Highlights: 80
    See Downtown and Oldtownj on this 2.5 hr trip. Starts in the neighborhood, ends at Custer's Market-listen to Italiano music, view graves, drink cofee and munch on pastries.
    Babya Downtown Farmstay 140

    2 Day trip-see Oldtown and Downtown before meeting at the Babya Dairy farm for cowboy dancing-step dancing and country style dinner-with Adam Brand -a townie based on Audt. counytry singer.Cab pickups from most houses-email me at if yiu'd like todo the above-include your .fam file zip[pped up with any skins that can be shareds.
  2. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    Oh my, that took some thinking to come up with. :p
  3. BabyaSim

    BabyaSim New Member

    Yes, but It'll be available to your neighbporhoods as soom Ias do sxome esy runs of the tours my elf-it's fre just pm me if interested, and i'll sort it out for you.-free of ciyrse (I have a tour bae withtour guides, and we have families who can go on tours-they are pritrorty, tjhen other sims).
  4. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    that does resemble TSO to some degree though...but nevertheless interesting..

    How do you proposal making this happen?
  5. BabyaSim

    BabyaSim New Member

    It'll be by pmming me first-strate which tour, and hoew much does bank balance have in ittthen email the fa,mily file to along with any skins, and io'll take care of them veryt well.

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