Anyone be interested in my concept tours I just thought of this-how about your Sims travel to our neighborhood where they can then goto on different tour packages-and we include great deals and sightseeing-inlcuding all accomodation for 500,they could be travel by email for my new tours proivider-Babya vacation tours? Downtown delight-1.2 Sim day Price: 120 for meals and transfers Itinerary: Enjoy the sights of downtown with our half day tour. See the beach, park and major shopping precinct Departs your lot at 9am sharp-returns 1:30 PM E-mail if interested-include your family .fam file and any skins that are free to share Beach Wine, Dine and Surf sim days/ 7 nights Price: 1250 Itinerary: First we start with a tour of lot #48, with a brunch and morning tea, and meet your our Kana-tour director. You are free to look around the intercontinential resort (B, BR, and D) Next day we leave the Island and ferry across to Babya City's downtown suburb; we will meet 'townies' and have lunch at a nearby restaurant. Enough time to buy gifts(B, L) on the third day it's on to Oldtown to see a workplace in action we will look pets and a chance to buy one. Lunch is espresso and a pastry at Macarthur square (B, L) We return on the fourth day to our new location on vacation island, a Club Med resort-free time to explore-buy drinks, etc (B, D) Days 5/6 are romantic dating days-where your date can go away for 2 nights in downtown (L, D) Day 7 and 8 are on the Babya City In where you can order drinks and play pool-before leaving on the evening on day 8-have last drinks with fellow travellers All meals, outings and luxury cab and bus/SUV transfers included E-mail if interested-include your family .fam file and any skins that are free to share Babya Highlights: 80 See Downtown and Oldtownj on this 2.5 hr trip. Starts in the neighborhood, ends at Custer's Market-listen to Italiano music, view graves, drink cofee and munch on pastries. Babya Downtown Farmstay 140 2 Day trip-see Oldtown and Downtown before meeting at the Babya Dairy farm for cowboy dancing-step dancing and country style dinner-with Adam Brand -a townie based on Audt. counytry singer.Cab pickups from most houses-email me at if yiu'd like todo the above-include your .fam file zip[pped up with any skins that can be shareds.
Yes, but It'll be available to your neighbporhoods as soom Ias do sxome esy runs of the tours my elf-it's fre just pm me if interested, and i'll sort it out for you.-free of ciyrse (I have a tour bae withtour guides, and we have families who can go on tours-they are pritrorty, tjhen other sims).
that does resemble TSO to some degree though...but nevertheless interesting.. How do you proposal making this happen?
It'll be by pmming me first-strate which tour, and hoew much does bank balance have in ittthen email the fa,mily file to along with any skins, and io'll take care of them veryt well.