New here! Well hello everyone, I am new here and i hope to make new friends and hopefuly no enemys! So welcome me here and have a greta day
Howdy Ziggles_2, Welcome to World's...I know you'll meet lots of new people, and have tons of fun while making new friends. ;-)
Hi and welcome ziggy! Just come hang out when you can and you'll have tons of friends here in no time! :whitekitty:
The great thing about the web is that it doesn't matter to anyone who you are. You can tell all sorts of lies about yourself if you want to do so. I have a mind like Albert Einstein and a body like Johnny Weismuller (remember him?) - at least I wish I did.
heehee I remember Johnny Weismuller, but I could never spell his name to save my life! I just copied it from you! ^-^ Now I need to see the old movies again for a refresher on what exactly he looked like....
Yeah, welcome Ziggles...hope you enjoy yourself here! Now that you've joined an elite group of "the beautiful people" ... I, for example, look like a young Elizabeth Taylor....(gag, choke, gag!) and have the mind power of .... (rats! only smart female genius I can think of is Madame Curie...and she's been dead for so long nobody probably knows her name!!) ... Anyway, we can all dream!! Right, Philip?!