Troubleshooting The Sims 2 System Requirements

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by ManagerJosh, Jul 17, 2003.

  1. mattho

    mattho New Member

    Those are probably already expected ;)

    I'm sure a month after The Sims 2 is out, they'll be busy planning their next idea/expansion. Who knows! They could be doing right now :p
  2. simsamgrl16

    simsamgrl16 New Member

    true i guess we'll never no til it **** out lol
  3. Gib24

    Gib24 New Member

    so is all the add ons like house party and them gonna be needed for sims 2?
  4. simsamgrl16

    simsamgrl16 New Member

    nope cant use them 4 ts2
  5. lilfaeriegirl078

    lilfaeriegirl078 New Member

    lol itd be pretty weird if u could use the sims 1 exp on the sims 2!
  6. simsamgrl16

    simsamgrl16 New Member

    the objects wuld look weird lol
  7. lilfaeriegirl078

    lilfaeriegirl078 New Member

    yeah u would have like these teens partying and their parents would come in and would be all 2d haha
  8. simsamgrl16

    simsamgrl16 New Member

    lol that wuld b freaky!
  9. lilfaeriegirl078

    lilfaeriegirl078 New Member

    man there isnt a new sim day yet!
  10. simsamgrl16

    simsamgrl16 New Member

    i kno i keep clickin refresh buh nuttin new
  11. lilfaeriegirl078

    lilfaeriegirl078 New Member

    yea same here! its evil! im gonna go check again
  12. simsamgrl16

    simsamgrl16 New Member

    love is evol but yet peeps live evil lol cant wait for updates!
  13. lilfaeriegirl078

    lilfaeriegirl078 New Member

  14. Jake

    Jake New Member

    I agree with what some one else said.. josh's first possible system requirements are more plausable than the second ones. I do remember Will Wright frequently saying that he wants the game to be available to most or all people, without them having to get major upgrades. so i say some where around

    500mhz processor or more (1.2ghz recomended)
    128-256 megs (mg) of ram or more (512 recomended)
    8mg 3d video card (32mg recomended)
    1 gb harddrive space (plus extra for saved games)

    as for what this got off topic on to.. i never got another expansion past vacation.. and i dont plan on getting a nother one, unless its given to me.
  15. simsamgrl16

    simsamgrl16 New Member

    yea me 2
  16. lilfaeriegirl078

    lilfaeriegirl078 New Member

    well i read in interview with willl wright at boomtown, and he said almost every computer out there right now will be able to run it. thats means like if we got the sims 2 today, it would run on almost all of our comps. just not old ones
  17. simsamgrl16

    simsamgrl16 New Member

    yup hope so thas so kool
  18. katrina

    katrina New Member

    I hope my computer can run Sims2. I'll be so upset if it can't! I only got it at the end of last year as a twenty first present and I can't afford to get another one already. I'll be gutted. I am soooooooo looking forwards to the game. I have no idea what my computer has. I know hardly anything about it. I mostly got it to play the sims online on but I can't play that anymore.
  19. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Go back and read the first of this thread, ManagerJosh covers the requirements pretty well....
  20. katrina

    katrina New Member

    But how do I know what my computer has?

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