how much did you spend in all the sims games?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by simsamgrl16, Jul 31, 2003.

  1. simsamgrl16

    simsamgrl16 New Member

    how much did you spend in all the sims games?

    lets c i spent $50 for the game it self then $30 for HP HD LL V U n anuther U so with the sims 2 game i'm gonna buy as well it all comes to a grand total uv $280.00! wut about u?
  2. mattho

    mattho New Member

    I've only ever played The Original Sims. I'm happy at that ;)
  3. simsamgrl16

    simsamgrl16 New Member

    wow i dunno any 1 who only has the game n thas it! thas cheep! lol j/kthink there will be a new entry in designer diaries?

    REDXIII New Member

    I own all the Sims game to the origanal-all expansion packs-the 1 for PS2.Total I spent around $400 I think (Canadain $$)
  5. simsamgrl16

    simsamgrl16 New Member

    wow duz that include the deluxe addition
  6. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    I've spent around $343 on all the expansions in total..
    Too much in other words.
  7. AddictedToTS2

    AddictedToTS2 New Member

    i've spent $72.99 total, I want to get the rest of the expansions.. but I'll save memory for TS2.
  8. lilfaeriegirl078

    lilfaeriegirl078 New Member

    lets see here......

    50 on the original
    20 on LL
    20 on HP
    20 on HD
    20 on VACA
    20 on UN
    20 on SS
    50 on The sims for PS2

    that adds up to...........

  9. simsamgrl16

    simsamgrl16 New Member

    wow n all this money we spent is prolly coming towards the sims 2! o brad guess wut: i actually used coming than **************************************************
  10. Jake

    Jake New Member

    . o O ( i do like coming better than the other form of it... that other form is censored for a reason ya know.... just my thought :p )

    lets see... i spent...
    $20 on livin large
    $30 on Hot date
    $30 on vacation
    so thats...
    about $80 total :D stil.. thats a lot of me :p
  11. simsamgrl16

    simsamgrl16 New Member

    ********************************************************************************************************(i disnt really type |cu'm| i jus put a lot of ******)
  12. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Hey simsamgrl16

    you're 13 and in 8th grade? You must be pretty bright. Wish I understood all your shorthand.

    TS came home with my daughter, so far I've bought LL, HP, HD, SV, DE & U so what does that add up to?
  13. momerplay

    momerplay New Member

    I spend a good bit but do not add up the total. I don't want to say, "Did I do that."

    I got all the sims games right now. I also purchase additional 4 of them to give to my grown up children to use.

    Will I purchase Sim 2. Most certainly will. "Did I Say That?" LOL
  14. simsamgrl16

    simsamgrl16 New Member

    thanx but all my firneds are my age in 8th as far as i'm concerned and in my opinion, ure supposed to be 13 in 8th b cause u start as 5 in kindergarden n add 7 and u get 13buh thas jus the average age lol my b/f is fourteen buh in 8th as well but he failed a year n others went into T 1
  15. simsamgrl16

    simsamgrl16 New Member

    250 dollars i believe it adds up too by the way lol
  16. Sasile

    Sasile New Member

    lol yes children, its called profit. Its what makes the world turn... marketing and profit.. yes its a lot, but we all paid it didn't we? :-P They'll charge as much as we'll pay to get more profit
  17. Gaploxter

    Gaploxter <Nicest person ever.

    i spent to much on it
  18. simsamgrl16

    simsamgrl16 New Member

    i think most of us have
  19. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    these forums cost $160.00 US + monthly operation costs = a lot :-S

    I've already lost count how much I've spent.

    O yeah...

    $50.00 + 30.00 + 30.00 for my simming (I stopped buying around HP cause I started this site)
  20. katrina

    katrina New Member

    $160 a month! do you make money from these forums??? Like advertising or something?? I don't really see any advertising here? Why else would you do it for $160 a month?

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