wut kinda stuff (specifically) do u think they'll have in the grocerie store?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by simsamgrl16, Aug 28, 2003.

  1. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree

    LoL... does your "hubby" know your calling him "Hubby?"... LoL... well yeah it would be cool if people had to do that...

    We really need a chat room see I cant explain all my ideas on here.... or can I... maybe I will...
  2. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree


    Say you invited your family over for like a Thanksgiving Dinner and you didnt have much of a cooking level....

    Then maybe your family would recieve like mush... and then you would see an idea pop in their heads... PIZZA..

    LoL it would be funny? you think?
  3. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree

    I would like to say this is my 100th post... LoL... okay not really a post but a post about my 100th post... wait... n/m

    you may say... Ive been on here long but really I had like 5 posts since I started about 2 weeks ago... because I had other interests... and at the moment it is The Sims 2....

    Also congrats Supernova.. you are really pushing those posts....

    When is the next upgrade into Senior Member? anyone know?
  4. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree

    Yay I am a Senior Member....
  5. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I agree this would be REALLY FUNNY to see your sims not like bad cooking, and think of pizza instead!! hahahahahaaaa!! :LOL:

    For your earlier post, yes, my hubby knows I call him "hubby" when I'm talking about him. :D He even pointed out to me that Ben and Jerry's ice cream makes a flavor of ice cream named "Chubby Hubby." ;)

    PS Congratulations on your posting count here!! :coolnessl: :cool:
  6. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    There is a chat room, but what I've noticed is that most of the people posting here post at completely different times. Chats work better if you are all posting at the same time from what I understand.

    Personally, I like forums and BBS's better.
  7. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree

    Look its my 150th post... 50 posts in 2 days
  8. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    50 posts in two days is just plain nuts. I can't even think about that much to talk about.
  9. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree

    I know... but I am a very bored kid
  10. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree

    well it took me like 1 day to post 75 posts thats how i have 200 posts right now
  11. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Just keep coming back to visit all the time and see what everyone else has posted while you were gone. It moves pretty fast through your post count then! ...I hope WE are not boring to you though!! ;)
  12. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    I'm used to instant messaging, so I post a lot as If it were a conversation. Has anyone else noticed how off topic this thread had gotten in the last few posts?
  13. Trinasis

    Trinasis New Member

    maybe they'll have clothes, food, magazines, and eletronics! That would be cool!
  14. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree

    Yeah its getting a lot easier to post because I get all my replies to go to my email so when I log on I have like 30 replies and they are all from Trinisis, Fae, and Supernova... LoL you just make the forum go round... and wait Trinisis just brought back the topic of this thread... but what was it?
  15. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Haha when in doubt as to the original topic of a thread, just go back to the beginning and re-read the first post! ;) Or check the thread title up at the top of the page. :)
  16. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree

    Good idea Fae~!

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