
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by afropower234, Jan 10, 2004.


What is your favorite household pet?

  1. Dog

    13 vote(s)
  2. Cat

    7 vote(s)
  3. Bird

    0 vote(s)
  4. Hamster

    1 vote(s)
  5. Other

    4 vote(s)
  1. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    No they don't. Guniea pigs are pregnant between 62-70 days. Normal is 65-68. She has to have met someone else that has a guinea pig boar. She mnight not remember it. Guinea pigs are very social and a true packanimal. One of her friends must have had a boar and put those 2 together about 10 weeks earlier.

    Genetic engineering. You might call it there. But it's not that difficult if you have the codes for each colour and how colours mutate. The "wild colour" is Golden agouti and has the code: A-B-C-D-E. That contains all variables and all possibilities for colour mutation if you cross it with another colour. I breed chocolate which is a mutation in the B down to Bb. The I have beige which is a further mutation. Golden agouti is dominant. The otehres are more or less recessive genes. SO if I want a himalaya (see - X-antippa) I need the genes for that specific markings plus I need the genes for chocolate. If I cross a chocolate with an himalaya - I get about 50% of each. If I cross in himalaya again on a chocolate - I will certainly get more himalaya.

    That's a bit on how you do. To "cross out" with another colour is sometimes very good if you have a very limited amount of material and they start to be too closely related. By doing that you break the "inbreeding". This holds true for all animals when you breed them on colours. Some pigs like Roan or Dalmatian you can never use 2 patterned animals. The recessive genes then causes about 50% of blindness! So you always have to use one single coloured animal to any of those 2.

    Now I've rattled on far enough. But I find it SO fascinating I can't stop myself. :p:bunny: :bunny: :bunny:
  2. Cool_Diva

    Cool_Diva New Member

    I have lots of animals so i don't have a fave, but I do love dolphins
  3. IrishDragon

    IrishDragon New Member

    Thanks Helen :D I wracked my brain trying to think if it had ever come in contact with another guinea pig and my friend did have to take it to the vet at one point in time so maybe it came in contact with one there! In any case it was just weird to get up one day to find it had a baby lol.
  4. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    Wow Helen! That's excellent. I really enjoyed the the genetics lesson. :) (Really!)
  5. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    Why THANKS Jane!!! :D

    I can imagine that was a surprise to find a baby pig there all of a sudden. :D They're full of surprises sometimes and they are really funny as well. You should see them play around. :p
  6. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    No problems Helen! :)
    I always wanted a shark for a pet. Not a Great White or a hammerhead or anyhting really dangerous, just a couple of nice reef sharks would be good. I still remember going to World Expo 88 and they had these huge aquarium columns with sharks and coral reefs and stuff...I want one of those. Then the kids would Never be able to put undesirable things in the tanks ;)
  7. IrishDragon

    IrishDragon New Member

    Haha that they wouldnt. I went once to an aquarium place where you stood on a moving thingy and it took you slowly around inside of a HUGE aquarium so you could see all the sharks and fish from all angles and it was really cool, almost like you were really there. I think I went through it 10 times before I was dragged away by the workers there lol.
  8. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    LOL Irish. I've been to an aquarium like that too. I've heard they even do school camps at it where the kids get to sleep in the chamber overnight. *sigh* oh to be a kid again...but there is always the hope that MY kids will go and I can sneak onto the camp with em! ;)
  9. IrishDragon

    IrishDragon New Member

    LoL... yeah seems they have all the cool things for kinds now days and its funny how its always "gee, I wish I had THAT as a kid!" Thats why my son will have all the things I never had and when im done playing with it he will be overjoyed! :D lol
  10. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    Sharks eh? Pretty awesome- People do have piranhas.... :p I think there are some sorts of really small sharks as well - think we have some in the Baltic Sea here - but that's cold water ones then :p
  11. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    ROFL Irish! I know EXACTLY what you mean! My partner claims the Star Wars figures and transformers are for my son but I've seen him playing with them with REAL interest. ;)
    I've seen piranhas in tanks, Helen :) They are a really nondescript looking fish until they attack something :O I like sharks better because they have the intelligence of dogs and are just beautiful looking creatures. I'll have to look up about Baltic Sea Sharks now. I was just watching a documentary on Bull Sharks that have been known to swim and attack in Fresh Water Creeks and Rivers in India and America. I'm ranting on about one of MY favourite topics and it could go on I'm going to be strong and call an end to it now. :)
  12. IrishDragon

    IrishDragon New Member

    Heh... my husband is the same way. He grew up in Japan and he used to play with these "transformer" like toys (its a Japanese toy called a Gundam) and well you have to paint them and put them together... and then they sit there. He "says" they are for our son when he gets older (our son is a year old mind you) so that he can see what kinda toys his father grew up with, but I catch him playing with them with "real interest" as well sometimes. Then when he sees that im watching him he starts coughing and puts them up. lol. Men.
  13. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    Lol. Yeah. Reminds me of this lil funny statement:

    What's the different between a 5 year old boy and a man?
    - The toys get more and more expensive... :p

    Most men actually agrees with that too. And I don't mind it. I can be pretty childish myself occationally. Hehe.. me and Paul acts really like teens sometimes - and do wwe have a lot of laughs then... :D :p :D

    On the other hand. What is to be said about us "oldies" (above 25) that plays PCgames? Even if we rarely have any real time for it. I basically believe in "playing", no matter how old you get physically - it keeps you young at heart. :)

    Sharks. It was pretty many years since I read about the sharks in Baltic Sea - so... But I do believe there's some real small ones. Baltic Sea is "mixed" water. Not salty and not freshwater, but a mix. So the sharks here might not remind about the "big" ones. Would be interesting if you find something about it - could you then post a link? I believe there are more people here that's interested in the sea's bi inhabitants... :)
  14. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member
    This site is run by an environmental organisation and talks a little bit about the different types of life found in the Baltic (I didn't realise it started off as a freshwater lake!) It is also the easiest to understand of those I have looked at. It has been suprisingly hard to find information on Baltic Sea Sharks. The only one I have seen mentioned is the Dogfish which is described:
    "A moderately large, slender and very abundant dogfish with two spined dorsal fins, no anal fin and narrow rounded snout. Colour light or mid-grey above, lighter ventrally, with conspicuous white spots on the body and no white tips or edges on the dorsal fins.
    Size :To about 150cm TL but generally much smaller, typically 120cm or less; size at birth 22 to 33cm. " ( I deleted really boring scientific ID bits)
    Will keep you posted if I find anymore though :)
  15. Bookworm42

    Bookworm42 Oh No! Bathtime!

    Hmm, sharks huh...I've got 2 Irridescent Sharks (and I had a Bala Shark until his untimely death last week) so does that count as liking sharks!! I'm aware that they are not "true" sharks but hey, what do you expect with only a 10 gallon tank!! Does that count as liking sharks too?
    ......Gee, I feel like the little kid on the playground asking the big kids, "can I play, huh? huh? Puleeze? Can I be part of your team?" Lol :)
  16. IrishDragon

    IrishDragon New Member

    LOL Bookworm. There are so many fish I want in my fish tank but sadly they dont all get along... maybe one day I will have a house with one LARGE room for all kinds of fish tanks... Ooo Ooo and maybe one of those wall fishtanks! That would be really cool!! *Ahem* Yeah, anyways :D Back to the toy discussion... my husband will argue with me when he wants to buy a new "toy" that I am basicly playing Barbies everytime I play Sims and in a way thats true so I dont put up much of a fight when it comes to playing with toys... im just as much a video game junkie as he is toy junkie lol :D
  17. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    LOL Bookworm. Yes, I'll count you as sharklover.
    Aahhh.. yes the toys...2nd installment to my story as well... now my lovely daughter is old enough to play with real toys and not just rattles I felt I had to buy her a dollhouse because I never had one and I have ended up playing with it more than she has. LOL and it's true...sims is just like barbies for grown ups only BETTER!
  18. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    My favorite animal has to be dogs. I like puppy dogs best. :p
  19. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    OMG! Flameback You're everywhere all of a sudden! *grin* OK I change my mind and would have to say Flameback777is my favourite pest....ooops sorry :p
  20. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    *Stands up to microphone*
    Well done Josh for changing my 'Sig'! :mad:
    I would like to thank: Myself. :p

    Now I will go, thankyou! :D ;)

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