Teenager question

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by jayjaydiva, Jan 20, 2004.

  1. jayjaydiva

    jayjaydiva New Member

    Teenager question

    My question goes out to anybody who reall know the answer. I would like to know if you can start the household out as just teenagers? I wanted two siblings to live together as teenagers with no parents. Does anyone know the answer to this? Thanks:bunny:
  2. jayjaydiva

    jayjaydiva New Member

    To make my question simpler can teenagers live alone?
  3. altec_tech

    altec_tech New Member

  4. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I'm now suddenly curious about what happens to a sim family if all the adult sims in the household died..... Does anyone know the answer to this? Because it seems like if it would let you play the surviving kids as a family still without adults in it, you might be able to try something like that in sims 2. But I've never killed off my parents in sims 1....
  5. Silkymoon_J

    Silkymoon_J New Member

    I have it let's them go on living and you play until everyone in the household is dead. But most of the time the kids made money by getting good grades or something.
  6. jayjaydiva

    jayjaydiva New Member

    But teenagers can make their own money now.
  7. Angelic Slayer

    Angelic Slayer New Member

    I dont see why they cannot live by themselves, as long as they have money and can cook then that should be all to it. In the first sims on the other hand that would be impossible because they would basically starve themselves to death or have to eat plenty of pizzas but when the money runs out beware.
  8. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I remember reading something saying you could make a sorority house so maybe you could have teens living without adults? I'm not sure though....
  9. TaiGuy

    TaiGuy New Member

    i remember luc saying that the social service comes to pick up kids and babies if the adults die... but i'm not sure what happens if teens are around.

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