The delay :-(

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by hyperactivecow, Jan 27, 2004.

  1. hyperactivecow

    hyperactivecow New Member

    The delay :-(

    I can't believe it! The game is delayed! Summer at the earliest! How will i ever survive?!?
  2. Lola

    Lola New Member

    At first I was quite I've accepted it and I'm moving least now I can just focus on school and saving money to buy a better computer so that when it does come out, there will be no stopping me from playing it!! Let's just hope that CaSIE will come out within the next couple of months.

    I understand why everyone is upset, but I think that Maxis feels about about delaying the game, which is why they didn't say anything sooner. They knew it would hurt them, so they kept it quiet for as long as possible. Just try to look on the bright side, when TS2 does come's going to be amazing!
  3. altec_tech

    altec_tech New Member

    NOOO!!!! Polishing or not... I still have to wait LONGER THAN MY LOWEST EXPECTATIONS!!!!

    I was thinkin April at first, then they were like March, and I'm like.... Sahweeeet.

    Then some stores are like Feb. and I'm like.... Killer!

    Now this!?!?!? THREE MONTHS after April!!! NOOOOO I know they are making it better for when we play it but still.... I was hoping to be playing it over the summer but now that may not even happen!

    I'm glad though that I am good at Sim City 4 (finally) after someone put up an excellent guide on this web (at so now I'm hooked to it and I'm gonna go buy Rush Hour soon. This is to feed my sim craving!!!! URGGHHH...

    You see .... (don't judge me) I hate the sims.... I HATE IT.... I thought it was cool at first then I just thought it was immature at times and foolish, not to mention the graphics were HORRIBLE... but the base of the game was good........ soooo.... now that they've added more than I expected and filled all the stuff that I wanted sims 1 to be and graphics are KILLER..... so now I like the sims again!!! The sims 1 was fun for me for about 1 year then I quit for 2 then played for about 3 months then quit for good.

    Sims 2 is bringing me a longer, more colorful candle to rekindle my sims addiction. I will love this game so much and it has a lot more to it than the first! *COugGh!* actual Standardized 3D graphics that should be in every single game that you buy at this age which it wasn't so it was crap! *COuGh!!!*
  4. Pixie

    Pixie Yoga Queen

    Our worst fears have come true!!!!

    Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Sims 2 not out until July! And that's the earliest it could possibly be out!!! What am I going to do!!! I feel like I should get angry,... even though the game will be tuned to perfection, but still... my aching heart is telling me to go into mourning!
    *Puts on all black* Now... a moment of silence for the death of our wishful release dates......................................................
    *tear* :(
  5. Lola

    Lola New Member

    I know what you mean, I hate the Sims 1 too!! I played it for like 3 years, and in October 2003, I just started to absolutely hate got so annoying. So when I read about TS2 in November 2003, I was psyched! I uninstalled TS1 and sold all the expansions on eBay in anticipation of we have to wait until July...*sigh* I have accepted it...but sometimes I don't want to...I, too, was looking forward to a summer full of playing the Sims 2. There's no going back to TS1. I'll stop ranting now.


    Isn't it awful?
    A previous thread:
  6. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    merging threads.
  7. 3D_animator

    3D_animator New Member

    OH MY (BEEP)- ING GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, OH MY GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, THOSE PIECES OF (BEEP) !!!!!!!!!, HOW COULD THEY DO THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, HOW COULD THEY DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WORDS CANT DESCRIBE HOW ANGRY I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, I NEED TO KILL SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. OH MY GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. * cries and cries*. dam maxis to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Angelic Slayer

    Angelic Slayer New Member

    Ok, this shouldnt actually come as a surprise cos they are always delaying something, but really I am SHOCKED:bored: You know it wouldnt even surprise me if the game was cancelled too just like simsville......

    Whats happening with CASIE???????????????

  9. merlin_simmius

    merlin_simmius New Member

    Lol...3d_animator...your response is almost funnier than one I read on TSR....laughed my socks off at that one :p He said something about them wanting to release when we all get old or something..lots of cuss words too! :rolleyes:

    My response is...this....heck I can wait!

    Yes, I will admit I am slightly disappointed, but again, I don't see it as a big deal. At the end of the day I just want it to be as good as it can be..if that truly is the reason..then when it comes out it will be truly "killer"...and the wait will be worth it. :)

    :bunny: Say hello to Bun Bun the widdle wunny wabbit!
  10. afropower234

    afropower234 Truly Ancient

    Are you sure they said July? If they did then I'm ticked off! Why even say it was that early when it's not true? That was retarded! If its in July it's not even in the first financial quarter. Dang retarded liars.
  11. hyperactivecow

    hyperactivecow New Member

    I can understand that they want to make it as awesome as possible, but in the same way, i soooo wish that it could reach that point sooner then july... ya know? but it will be amazing and i don't blame maxis for delaying it (well... not too much anyway)... but i'm hoping to get a job this summer at a over night, all summer camp, and then even if the game did come out in july, i wouldn't be able to actually use it untill september... right in time for school to start again. *sigh*

    *sings saddly* I've got the siiiiim bluuuuuuuuuuuues! *song fades out*
  12. jayjaydiva

    jayjaydiva New Member

    I don't think they're fine tuning anything. In my opinion they're just trying to get more money for it by anticipating more people to buy it.
  13. Cool_Diva

    Cool_Diva New Member

    I think the delay is stupid why haven't they already finished it. They have almost had a year!
  14. 3D_animator

    3D_animator New Member

    JayJaydiva, i TOTALY agree with you, theyre defintaly done making the game, theyre just delaying to mek billions off the game, but who wouldnt??, more money, isnt that what lifes about???


    For some strange reason i kinda thought this would happen, i knew it wouldnt come out for a whiile, but that long is rediculous. those selfish bast***s. i guess im still ticked off. but its for the best i guess.

    LOL angelicslayer, your right millions of ppl are gonna be pretty ticked off. lol.

    Cooldiva, i heard they were working on it for over 3 years already.

    LOL, i think that the "big secret" was delaying the game !!!!!, LOL *laughing maniacily*, ive posted to much on this thread already im going to quit for a while.

    [3D: Do not double post. It is against the rules. Use the [​IMG] button next time if you want to add something, instead of flooding the thread.
  15. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    hey 3d. try this [​IMG] next time plz.
  16. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Can someone please post a link to where you got the information that the game is delayed till July?!?!?! :eek:

    -edit I just went to the sims 2 site and found the new release information:

    Now I see what everyone is talking about, I guess July is the earliest part of the second half of the year... sigh. I'm wondering how many bugs they are working out for it to be so bad they can't release it and patch it? When you think about it having SO many features that all have to work and then they have to have them work together... I guess that just makes more chances for it to go wrong and have to be fixed. :( :bored: ...sigh...
  17. Silkymoon_J

    Silkymoon_J New Member

    Okay as far as i'm concerned this game should give out golden pieces or something to make me wait this long. That's it I can't take it anymore! (Picks up knife).................better clean it good. Anyway i better try to find some bootleg copies or try to get the game from maxis like the movie the perfect score where they steal the SATs.

    REDXIII New Member

  19. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    Yay! :D Er, I mean... "aaaaawww! :cry:"

    Too bad that they decided to push it back (again?) I'm not upset or angry that they did so. The only thing that makes be slightly angry is how they got everyone's hopes up by saying it comes out in Feb/March or whatever it was, then say, "Oops, too bad for the fans, they'll wait. Lets push it back even more." They should have just said a 2004 release and left it at that until they were 100% certain that the date would not be changed.

    Overall, I don't think you guys should get too upset. With a summer release you could enjoy it over the holiday more than if you only got a few hours here-and-there between school and all of that homework. ;)
  20. Cool_Diva

    Cool_Diva New Member

    3 years. It's stupid, Stupid the delay. I can't wait til july, I need something to keep me going while I'm at school, I will of finished school for the summer term by the time it comes out.

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