Push 'em back, push 'em back... WAY BACK Well the worst news of my life came into day as I diddled around at the Sims2 web page. I understand that they want to release the best game possible and I was annoyed by people ranting about it coming out in March, but now I AM GOING TO LOOSE MY MIND. I was fine with the fact that the came was... ...and that it would be a month or two before release. But I must now suffer another semester at school without remedy! How do you feel about this major set back? And how do you plan on coping with the strain? Support groups? Therapy? Denial? -Jules
I plan on...trying to find something else to fill the void this news has created in my life... A previous thread on this topic: ;0) http://forums.worldsims.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2010
Until Sims2 comes out I am playing a new game (FF Crystal Chronicles... and of coures Sims MM) to fill the void and get my mind off the fact that I have to wait another 4 MONTHS for Sims2 to come out. *erratical thought* maybe we could all sneek:bandit: into Maxis and play on the test computers.... :devious:
I've seen the movie they made a couple years ago, but never got into the game... althought I have a few friends into D&D
I have Sims Bustin Out for my gameboy sp only because my hubby bought the wrong one for me and I didnt want to hurt his feelings by saying it was the wrong one lol. So im still waiting for Bustin out for the Gamecube Is there any difference between the two (PS2 or Gamecube)?