
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Cool_Diva, Feb 26, 2004.


Where do you prefer to go on holiday?

  1. Europe

    1 vote(s)
  2. USA

    3 vote(s)
  3. Asia

    1 vote(s)
  4. Other

    6 vote(s)
  1. Cool_Diva

    Cool_Diva New Member


    Where do you prefer to go on holiday?
    I've been to Mexico it's beautiful and the people are lovely. Well most of them.
  2. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    Bunya Mountains, QLD. Its like living in an animal sanctuary...wallabies hop on the front lawn and birds come to talk to you on the verandah. Surrounded by rainforest and waterfalls, it is so quiet and calming, if I had my way, I'd live there. *sigh*
  3. IrishDragon

    IrishDragon New Member

    I actually havent been anywhere for a vacation outside of the USA but since my husband is in the military I am sure I will get to see many places. But for now if I was to choose a country I would have to say Ireland :D I so very much want to go inside a castle, even if its been renovated to make for a tourist show.
  4. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    Had a short holiday last summer in Belgium where I met Anikan (a member here, but not very active.) That was 4 great days! And I will try to go back and see him again - this time together with Paul. :)

    But basically I love to be in the Stockholm archipelago if I can. It's really beutiful. :)

    I also want to visit Singapore, USA, NZ, Australia, Austria (Vienna [Wien]), Scotland, Iceland, Switzerland (Schweiz), Canada............ :p :D
  5. Cool_Diva

    Cool_Diva New Member

    My family most of them anyway live in scotland so i go up there every now and again it's beautiful and i went to iceland with my mum for a day.
  6. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    I voted other because I like going to Africa. I like all the animals! :D
  7. Ballerina

    Ballerina New Member

    I already went to Greece and Morroco (I'm french). Those travels were great, I'll never forget them! My dream is to go to the USA! But my english isn't good... And I can't afford it!
  8. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    EGYPT! I want to see all the sights and enjoy the WARM weather. lol
  9. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    I'd be happy to finally visit the U.S. and see the sights. Maybe Australia sometime - it looks nice and has a lot of cool reptiles.

    Other places would be okay... but the shots you have to get to evade illnesses turns me off.
  10. Himmuli

    Himmuli New Member

    I would like to go to see Europe first (much much more closer and better...)... But I never have that kind of money to travel around! There's no place like home but the truth is out there...

    Me and my boyfriend have desided to save some money that one day we will go to U.S.. But when that day will happen... At the meantime, I'll spend my holidays here in Finland. :D
  11. sugar_junkie

    sugar_junkie Active Member

    i'd really like to go to aussie one day.. :D

    scotland and ireland would be good too :D lol
  12. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I'd love to visit Japan someday.... it's the anime fan-girl in me... :p

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