message from nina..

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by sugar_junkie, Mar 21, 2004.

  1. sugar_junkie

    sugar_junkie Active Member

    message from nina..

    hey..nina called me yesterday..told me to pass you guys a message..

    her com crashed and she cant get anyone to fix it at the moment..shes ok though..just got back from london,she had fun and hopefully she'll be able to get someone to get the com fixed soon.

    *hugs from nina*

    yep..i think thats it..not sure if i left out things tho..oh well.
  2. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    Thanks Tess!! :D
  3. Bryan

    Bryan Member

    aww I miss nina..
  4. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Wow, I hope she can get her computer fixed up and back into her online life again soon! Tell her "hi" from me if you get the chance!
  5. Bookworm42

    Bookworm42 Oh No! Bathtime!

    Yeah, tell her that we miss her already and who among us hasn't had that dreaded computer crash that required a major overhaul...Tell her to think Happy thoughts until she can talk to us again! :D
  6. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    Yeah. It's been a night mare! Thanks Tess for posting that message.

    *Gives Tess a HUGE hug*

    So. Comp works - somewhat ok for now. Got a CDburner so I can make backups on all things I want to save. Then my friend will come here and we'll wipe the whole Harddrive clean - and reinstall system and stuff again. Gonna be a LOT of work, but it's needed.

    For the rest - I've been busy. Paul is coming here on a regular basis or I go to UK. Going there again the 23rd. Gonna to see people from Rock Palace Forum in Colchester. Then to Devizes to meet Paul's kids for the first time. I really look forward to that! They seem to be just great!

    It's about time they get to know me as I and Paul do plan to one day get married. They need a fair chance. I refuse to be another "mom" to them tho. They have a very good mom already, but I see it as important they know me and accept me in theire fathers life. I hope we can become good friends me and his kids. (Well. They are 17 and almost 15 - so kids... hmm.. not really adequate - but...)

    Then we're going to pick up the Golf GTI 2,0 Paul has bought for us to have here in Sweden! It's a wicked car! And the price different between UK/Germany and Sweden is another car!!! So he's really done a great buy (as he always do. He's wicked in affairs!). Look at the pic. That colour changes when you move around the car. It's wicked and my dreamcolour! :D

    So. There's basically all good news from here. I will try pop in as much as I can. But I have loads to do now in the garden and with my animals.

    *hugs to all of you*

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  7. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    YAY!!! (((hugs!!!))) SO glad you're back and your computer is working again!!! :D I don't envy you the project of saving all your data and wiping and reinstalling everything. I cringe whenever my hubby suggests it might be about time for us to do that.... :p

    I hope you have a great time on your trip and a good meeting with Paul's teenage kids. :) The shiny new vehicle looks COOL!! Makes me want to go wash my poor car.... :p
  8. aliendrone

    aliendrone New Member

    right on. ya haven't seen you in ages and that so cool to here about your update in life. me i'm been playing alot of xboxlive and working on some turnaments for xboxlive. i got plans for project gotham raceing2 turnaments. but i got to finsh my rainbow six3 turnament. but overall nothing new with me i should visit this site more offen.
    busy me or lazy me hehehehe.
    i hope to chat with ya soon helen.
    ((give helen a big hug))

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