Get Your Sims 2 Questions Answered @ E3

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by ManagerJosh, Mar 26, 2004.

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  1. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Get Your Sims 2 Questions Answered @ E3

    With WorldSims sending representatives, we want to get a list of questions started up so that when we reevaluate The Sims 2 at E3 this year, we can have answer your questions.

    Please check the list of questions users ask before!! Any duplicate answers found may cause our representatives to IGNORE your batch of questions!

    Please be as clear and specific in regards to your question as well!


    All the best,
  2. TheSidDog

    TheSidDog New Member

    Here are a few good questions by Peter "TheSidDog"

    1) Has the weather issue been fixed? Are there any plans to fix it?

    2) Even is there is no rain and the like, will there be cloudy days, where the sun is blocked out?

    3) Have basements been added?

    4) Will fire spread realistically? Will it cause smoke?

    5) When it comes to importing SC4 terrains into the game, how many squares will each lot take up in Sim City? I.e. 4x4

    6) Will dead Sims still be buried in the back yard, or will there be public grave yards?

    7) How exactly will "aspirations" affect a Sims's personality?

    8) I've build a terrain in SC4 will REALLY steep hills. Can homes be placed on such terrain?

    9) If I made a terrain in SC4, and it had some hills, meaning the roads are on a slope, will that still work with the game?

    10) How easy will it be to create objects and import them into the game using Maya or Max?

    11) Would it be possible to create a total conversion mod with TS2? I.e. making everything as if it were the dark ages. No carpools, Sims walk to work. No power, Sims rely on fire. By doing that, a lot of (my guess) code and art would need to be changed. Would it still be possible?

    12) How truly customizable is TS2? Can I create a battlefield, code my Sims to fight, and watch them fight a D-Day like invasion?

    13) Will each Sims have their own voice? I.e. Deep, Soft, High and Raspy?

    14) How long does each stage last?

    15) If two Sims have a baby, and that baby dies the day it was born, will they remember it for the rest of their lives?

    16) Do Sims still need to love/like each other to move in with each other?

    17) Is it possible to edit the 3D Sims model? I.e. give 'em toes and change their skin texture?

    18) How much support will Maxis be giving players interested in creating new, uniqe Mods?

    19) Will Maxis ever release Edith?

    20) Regarding the movie making feature, can we create two hour long films with human voice acting, music/sound effects, and special effects made in Maya/Max?

    21) Can I build a house (for my Sims) right on the beach? And will it have that ocean sound to it? Will Sims leave foot prints while walking on sand?

    22) Would it be possible for a programmer to write a multiplayer LAN feature for the game?

    23) Will TS2 come out in CD, as well as DVD format?

    24) Along with stairs, will there be ladders?

    25) What I would really want to know is, How truly customizable is TS2? I'm a big fan of RTS games, and I would love to script some of my Sims to fight MoH type battles, or epic LOTR wars. I would also love to create my own total conversion mods for the game, is that possible?

    Thanks for the chance to ask my questions :devious:

    ~Peter "TheSidDog"
  3. Nic

    Nic New Member

    26) Will thier mouths move when they talk?
    27) Will there be restaurants and small food stands or just BBQs?
    28) Can a Sim go from Fit to Skinny?
  4. Enjoji

    Enjoji New Member

    29) Can you change the size of your Sims' bodies, in the same way you can change their faces?
  5. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    30) Can you use tunnels in SC4 for your neighborhoods?
    31) Will it use only the bridges from SC4 or does that include the Rush Hour bridges as well?
    32) Are there any structures from SC4 which can be added as "props" or do we have to do that in the Sims2 mode?
  6. afropower234

    afropower234 Truly Ancient

    33) Will toddlers go to preschool?
    34) Do teens who grow up have the option of going to college?
    35) How many times can a sim woman get pregnant?
    36) Can sims surf the net with computers?
    37) Can sims have sleepovers where they invite friends over and they all sleep in sleeping bags?
    38) Will sims be able to attack a burgurlar?
    39) Will there be more channels on the TV?
    40) Do sims celebrate birthdays? ie: birthday parties
    41) Do the sims get sick and have to go to the doctor?
    42) Can the sims get fired for poor job performance? ie:go to work in a bad mood
    43) When a sim marries an NPC, what happens when the NPC dies of old age? Are they replaced by another or is the neighborhood left without a maid for the rest of eternity?
    44) Can neighbors stay over for a longer time at night?
    45) What happens when a sim fails in school?
    46) What type of accesories will sims have?
    47) Can a sim buy another sim a gift? ie:wedding gift, birthday gift
    48) When a woman finds out she is going to have a baby, can they choose to have a baby shower?
    49) Can a family adopt away unwanted children?
    50) Will the sims have other bills? ie:water, electricity
    Thanks for reviewing my many questions!!
  7. Enjoji

    Enjoji New Member

    More Questions...

    Sorry for posting again - couldn't get to edit my previous message, and I've just remembered a few more quezzies.

    51) Can you go into build/buy mode whilst on a community lot with your Sim(s)?
    52) Can you buy various clothes or items in one whole chunk instead of one by one, as in TS1?
    53) Will Sims' motives go down just as quick as in TS1 while on a community lot, or do they deplete slower now?
    54) When you buy new clothes/outfits, are the old ones still available to change back into? (eg, TS1 only allowed one formal, one swimsuit, one PJs at a time)
    55) Are there any elderly-centric objects, like a rocking chair or knitting set?

    Thanks so much for doing this, ManagerJosh!
  8. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    We're closing the timeframe to accepting questions on May 7th!! We're not going to be accepting any more questions thereafter. So hurry and get your questions in ASAP
  9. ConradSims2

    ConradSims2 New Member

    Thanks MJ!

    53) How rapildly will fires spread? Through the house? One room?
    54) Can infants in cribs die from the fire? (Not in TS1)
    55) Are the cars all for show?
    56) Release Date for Body Shop and The Sims 2!

    oooh cant think anymore!!

  10. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    nope. i cant think of anything else to ask. most of what i was wondering was already put up here. my only question is:

    57) What are the exact details on using videos on the TV? any limitations in size? codec? etc. or can we just throw up any avi file and TS2 will play it?
  11. Mystical Druid

    Mystical Druid New Member

    My questions.

    57. If you become fit will the other gender be more attracted to you?
    58. Can you die in public or will fires be unstartable and not be able to starve but get a low hunger?
    59. I saw the picture of a teen and a plant grower thinking about money?
    Was he growing for profit?
    60. What good are grades.
    61. Is it still possbile to have eight mayors in one household or is being sim city mayor no longer possible and or a one per neighboorhood.
    62. If sim 1 becomes a scienetest of the top level and has a kid who becomes a pro athleate of the top level will you be able to get two carrer objects?
    63. Is it possible to get arrested if you go to your crime job in a bad mood you will get arrested?
    64. Will it be possible to call the police after you get beat up in your home?
    65. Can you fight sims in public?
    66. If you hate some and they die will you be able to mock or dance on their grave?
    67. Are tomestones flameable? I just had to ask.
    68. What was that put in the drinks that made midgets and giants? Was that done with the editting features inside the sims 2 or by patching two viedos togehter with dwarf skins
    69. Will aleins, elves and other exotic creatures have special powers? If so will normal people have an advantage over them to make up for it?
    70. Will it be possible to dye the hair in the middle age stage to cover up your sims age?
    71. What would happen if an adult female sim became pregant and advanced to a stage that they could not have babies before she could deliver it? Would the pregnancy continue as normal but lose the abliity to have other babies?
    72. Can uncles and aunts adopt kids, toddlers, and babies if the household bites the dust or will they be gone forever.
    73. Will those children taken away by the social worker be allowed to move in a house when the time in relative's is enough for them to age to be a teen or an adult?
    74. Lastly what kind of fears can sims have? Are these fears astology determined or random? Can sims be fearless? Can you see the fears your sim has without coming into contact of it?
    75. Will being low in certaint fieleds be good in some jobs, such as low nice thieves. (have you ever meet a polite bank robber)
    76. Will teens have a job and school? Will teen jobs be scheduled as afternoon ones.
    77. Will teens make real smart allek remarks to their parrents? Or will they just lean towardsd getting worse convesrations with adults.
    78. Lastly is your carpool parked on the side of the street or does it come at a certaint time.
  12. slimsim

    slimsim Often-Idle Member

    79. Do the sims cooking go from chopped vegatables, to a stew, to a salad anymore? or do they do it like in Real life?
  13. Guest05

    Guest05 New Member

    Manager Josh thanx for doing this!
    My questions are:
    What other weather effects will there be?
    Whats the first expansion going to be about?
    Can sims know when someone is goodlooking?
    How many types of cars are there?
    How many stories tall can trees be?
    Thats all I can think of right now but if I think of any really good ones Ill repost.
  14. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    OK a few more questions:

    How will the transitions of age groups be manifested in the game? Will babies turn to toddlers in a cloud of flowers or balloons? And what will the transitions to child, teen, adult, and elder look like when that happens in the game?

    I had more questions I was writing down so I could post them all at once but now I can't find them... eep! :eek:
  15. Mystical Druid

    Mystical Druid New Member

    One thing I forgot.

    When will there be a demo or beta tester openings be available. It would be a dream for me being able to get a sneak peek. Of course I would always plead the fifth when asked about it. a.k.a. abiding by the confidentilaity clause.
  16. Amy Sims

    Amy Sims New Member

    1) When creating skins for the Sims2 will skin makers be able to use a basic paint program such as Windows Paint?
    2) Instead of 32 bit, can skins be saved differently and still work in the game, ie. - 256 bmp or 24 bmps?

    Thank you,
    Amy Sims
  17. bt55106

    bt55106 New Member

    Ive got a few questions!

    Will we still have the option of sending our kids to different schools?
    Are they working on the weather or have they givin up?
    Can the sims drive the cars and will they be able to get into accidents?
    When is it coming out?
    Will it be easy to double task or will it be hard?
    Will it be easy to drop SimCity 4 neighborhoods into the game?
    How will the cooking system work?
    Will it be easy to build out decks and stairs and stuff?

    I think that that's all I can think of right now! If I think of any more I'll repost! Thanx! Toodaloo!:lick:


    I've thought of a few more questions!!!

    Will the sims be able to visit their neighbors like in Bustin out or will it be like the original where you have to call and invite them over?
    Will the sims be able to grow vegitables and stuff like that?
    If you are at the girl's house, and the girl proposes... Can you decide who takes which name?
    Can there be like orphanages and stuff?
    Will you be able to put kids up for adoption if you have them and don't want them?
    Will the food that is served on community lots be different from the food served at home?
    Will it be possible to go on a date in the community part of the neighborhood?
    How do vacation houses work? Are they just like regular houses or can you do special things in them?
    Can you swim in lakes or ponds or do you have to have a pool?
    Will there be out of ground swimming pools or will there just be in ground ones? :cheeky:

    ok ok... Just one more right now! I hope! I've become a little bit out of control!

    If a sim kid grows up and decides to be in like the circus or something, and the dad is like a realtor or something... Will the dad be able to try to discourage the sim's life goal? Also will the sims think about what they want to do ewhen they grow up while they are kids or not?

    Ok that's all for now I swear... Ok I think! So NEways! I can't wait! :rambo:
  18. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Ack..forgot to close the thread because the period of submissions is expired.
  19. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    ReOpened to get last minute questions!
  20. Hedgehog

    Hedgehog New Member

    Will the sims' Cooking skill will grow when they cook?
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