Have a happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy ::::few hundred years later:::: happy birthday book ^.^
Wow!! I stayed away from here for a couple of weeks because I was busy with work and getting my taxes done for the year and what do I discover on my return? Everything has changed in here!! Ack!! I feel like a newbie!! :surprised: Thanks for everyone's kind wishes (ahem...thanks snake for that "lovely" adage :ermm: I think!) It's hard to believe another year has come and gone...my only comfort is that everyone, in my real world, is shocked to hear how old I am and think I look much younger...I have learned with the advancing years that flattery WILL get you anywhere!! So to those in the real world who are lying to me to make my day...Thankyou!! LOL And a big thankyou to those of you in here who made the time to wish me a Happy Birthday. It was sweet to come in here and discover that you peeps had remembered my big day! You guys are great!!
It's funny how when you're younger, you hope people will think you're older... and then somehow getting older sneaks up on you and you start hoping people will think you're younger! Have fun shocking everyone!!
Belated Greetings from me as well. At this stage of life it's nice to have as many as possible. Happy Happy
Book doesn't like me bugging her about her age. Next year will be even better, won't it Book? You'll be another year older and I will harass you to a larger extent. Aren't I grand?