i am krissy

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by rainyinwa, Mar 30, 2004.

  1. rainyinwa

    rainyinwa New Member

    i am krissy

    hay all my name is Krissy
    i live in wa i am new here and boy is ther alot i need to read up on
    im 19 and a huge sim fan!
    when im not working im playin!
    mabie thers a like gitting to know u somewere on this or i can make one of the mod's wouldent mind, i cant wate to here form everyone! is anyone from wa in here?
  2. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Nice to meet you Krissy! :D I had a friend from Washington but I've never been there. She told me it was cold and rainy and foggy a lot where she was from, is it like that where you are? :)

    I haven't been by the forums in a few weeks so I have a lot of catching up to do around here too! :D I try to read most of this months posts here in the General Chat area, and also for the Sim and Sims 2 areas so I kind of know what's been going on. :)
  3. Bookworm42

    Bookworm42 Oh No! Bathtime!

    Welcome to the Forums, Krissy...I hope that you have lots of fun here and make lots of new friends...I've only been to Washington a couple of times and I remember that it was very green and lush with all the rain...I also remember how bad the traffic was just outside Seattle...man, that was unreal! Probably not that bad for anyone from a bigger center but for us, being used to lots of empty highways in Alberta, it was a bit intimidating! :nervous: Oh well, we survived but it was rather nerve-wracking during that part of the drive being surrounded by thousands of other vehicles...
  4. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Hey Krissy, I live in WA too......... No better place on earth. Welcome to the forum
  5. rainyinwa

    rainyinwa New Member

    ya it rains but ther is alot of places it rains even more!

    i grew up in ca so to come to wa was a big change and yes trafic sucks and not to mencion pepol in wa CANT DRIVE lol but i dont liveclose to stattle i live in a small town called Pulsbo and its nice not bad trafic but bad drivers lol
    ya im gona check the new sims places i see this fourm is a happnin place lol so i have alot of reading to do!
  6. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Have fun checking out the sims places and don't forget to drop in here often to visit with us! :D
  7. rainyinwa

    rainyinwa New Member

    ya ill be on alot i left school and am betwine jobs
    so i have no life lol but im finding alot of stuff here so i love it!
  8. aliendrone

    aliendrone New Member

    hey whats up krissy. ya i'm not on here that offen but i try and remember to see what been going on in here so.
  9. lewdini

    lewdini Moderate Sith Lord

    Hi Krissy!
    I am lew...been busy thats why I havent appeared in a while!
  10. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Lew!!! :D Good to see you! Is the link your Star Wars collection? :)
  11. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Hey Lew, are you the red-faced one? Neat pictures, thanx:rolleyes:

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