Why bother?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Silkymoon_J, Apr 1, 2004.

  1. Silkymoon_J

    Silkymoon_J New Member

    Why bother?

    Don't you people get it?!!! It's not coming out! Its going to be just like Simsville, remember that? YOu probably don't because they said they were going to make it and never did. THey're just toying with our emotions, and i for one and quite sick of it. To heck with their new expansion pack: The Sims: Makin' Mischief. I don't care anymore! Thanks Maxis, FOR NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gosh my own parents should've been the first ones to crush my dreams not some multimillion company...... :disappointed:..
  2. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    I hate to tell you this, but that is absolutely nonsense! The Sims is the LARGEST GAMING FRANCHISE in the World and to get rid of it just like that, well Maxis and EA would loose Millions, if not BILLIONS of DOLLARS in Lost Revenue!

    So what you are saying does NOT take into account that The Sims is the largest money maker for EA. To simply get rid of it, well it would be a unwise move.

    It would cause too much civil unrest among share holders
  3. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    If they never come out with sims 2 just think of all the money they've spent paying employees to work on it for years... and the money spent on advertising... the money spent on computers and other electronics equipment they used to work on it... the money spent on renting or paying for the offices the employees work in... that's an AWFUL lot of money to have wasted at this point!! Yes, Simsville died out and never happened, but that was MUCH earlier along in development so they hadn't wasted as much time and money, and it seems they were able to put some of what they developed there to use in other games, so the work wasn't all a waste anyway. At this point though I don't see many other games being made by EA that could be so much more profitable than Sims 2 that they would scrap the project and have their work absorbed into another game....
  4. Elthea

    Elthea New Member

    And also, Makin' Mischeif was an April Fool's Joke.
  5. Silkymoon_J

    Silkymoon_J New Member

    I just don't understand anymore. I want to keep believing they will have it out before i'm 25 but i just don't know. :disappointed:
  6. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Is your 25th birthday coming up this year? :)
  7. mozartbeethoven5555

    mozartbeethoven5555 New Member

    wrong about that

    you relly make me mad they have been working on this since th sims1 shipped did you ever stop to think the game may have just been no fun,had to many bugs, or they just had start on a more important game yes i remember simsville to but if you are right i will be suprised but you are not going to be right they are not going to do work for nothing. you shouldnt be here with a post like that.plus why would they give up the#1 pc game of all time and i bet you will get the game when it does come out.
  8. afropower234

    afropower234 Truly Ancient

    I just don't understand anymore. I want to keep believing they will have it out before i'm 25 but i just don't know. -Silkymoon J

    I agree. I can wait and it only frustrates me when people continue to nag and nag about how long it is taking to make this game. Get over it. Rome wasn't built in a day and the Sims 2 cannot be built in one. For all you Halo fans, most people are dealing with the delay for Halo 2 so be patient. Would you rather have a crappy, buggy, stinky game made in a week, or a game with customizable features, 3D graphics, and better gameplay than you can shake a computer at? Stop being so negative and be patient. Good things come with age. ie: Wine, music and the Sims 2. Summer is almost here and before you know it so will the Sims 2. Cut Maxis a break. It's not that easy to create a million dollar game, just be happy they keep all us fans updated and stop being a thorn in a giant corporate lion's paw.
  9. Silkymoon_J

    Silkymoon_J New Member

    You guys are right

    mozartbeethoven5555 and afropower you guys are right if they are truly working hard for us, the customers, then i owe them an apology. I'm waiting paitiently for Halo 2 and Kingdom Hearts 2 to come out and I haven't been griping about those. I guess with all the people telling me it was going to come out in March i got a little frustrated but still i wish that some one wouldn't give us a definite date unless it was close.
  10. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    I would have to agree with Afro's post on cutting Maxis a break... I'm not pointing fingers at anyone, angry, or anything like that. I know exactly why you guys are feeling this way, and I sympathize. At least its not getting cancelled, right?;)

    Maxis is probably doing the best they can and I know a lot of us don't know everything that is involved in creating a large game with that much depth. Imagin programming every character to interact with each object differently, the meshing and AI development needed to advance the 3-D experience, etc.

    Great games don't get spit out. They take a lot of effort to make sure that the gamer will get the full bang for their buck.

    With them pushing it back all I can wonder is how much better it will be than if they had released it in March. :D
  11. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    The whinge goes on, then?

    I see the grumblin' continues unabated :disappointed:

    I'll go back to SC4 then ... bye bye :rolleyes:
  12. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    ?? I thought the last couple of posts WERE the grumbling coming to an end... :D I think people are ready to settle down for the wait now.... :)

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