Mozartbeethoven5555 - Helpful tip for future posts: Try to keep the caps to a minimum in replies as they're percieved as shouting. Thanks. :bunny: --- I think I will get this game when it comes out. Most of the things I've read so far seem fun and I think it will respark my interest in The Sims franchise. Plus, who can pass up the chance to kill sims in a whole new environment? I'll vote "Yes for sure".
Yes Of Course Of Course.. Ill Be The First One In America To Get It... If It Comes Out Here First..> Lol
Anyone who doesn't buy the The Sims 2 MUST be nuts! Even if I don't have enough money, I'll sell a kidney or something to get it .
Don't sell your kidney. Better to sell something replaceable like your Warhammer stuff. :winks: Besides, think of all the fun you'll have painting new ones when you've bought them again.
Bah. Nobody seems to want to buy my Warhammer stuff. I even put it on ebay. And repainted the entire thing...
For sure! I know I am getting the sims 2. As we speak I am doing a countdown on my calendar! LOL Does that sound desprate?
Ill tell you if my grades drop when I go into school... you might notice.. a As and all in the beginning but once September 17th hits... they will be Bs... well I hope not... I think I might have nightmares.... Has anyone played a game so much on a certain day... that when they are going to sleep they think they are playing it and it may make you go crazy? Ive done it playing... Mario Tennis 64... Dr. Mario 64... GTA 3 and Vice City... The Sims.... well it wasnt a nightmare with the sims.... LoL... at the moment... I have nightmares with Bodyshop... LoL ..
I played Halo for 12 hours yesterday with my friends. I kept hearing the music and sounds from the game late at night. It was... interesting...
I've had that happen MANY times where I went to sleep and dreamt about continuing the game I'd been playing all day. I even had it happen with games that were NOT computer or video games! I once spent an entire day from 10 in the morning till 3am the next day watching a group of guys play Magic (the card game) in a comic shop... and it was late afternoon/early evening before anyone thought to ask me if *I* wanted to play too instead of just stuck there watching! ...and this was on a date....
Really... thats doesnt seem like much fun... well it must of really sucked if you were on a date... P.S. Ive heard your moving...? when is this... will I lose 1 of my WorldSim friends...:disappointed:
We're moving sometime in August or September, just a few 100 miles, still in Texas, and even if we don't have internet connection at first, we'll be living near friends who do, so I should still be around!!!
i think a lot of people are gonna buy sims 2..ive never been bothered about sims uptill now ..ive always been a hardcore fps gamer since i had a pc ..been in so many clans,but while i was checking out my favourite games info site gamershell i saw Sims2 and i followed all the info on it..downloaded all the video's that was released..and i goto say this looks fantastic,im usually always online playing ut2004/joint ops/rtcw/et and other fps games but the last 5 days ive done nothing but make custom skins in body shop and loved it
I know one thing...I am sitting up here waiting for the sims 2 to come out. But it comes out 24 after my birthday. My b-day is Aug. 25. Well It can't come any sooner then that know what I mean! So what does everyone think the game is going to be like when it does come out?
The Sims 2 will be the best game of all time... ever... with all new programs to help make custom content... one of the most interactive game going to be out!
It'll be so awesome when they releasy programs to edit items and meshes for Sims. I could make my exact life. It wopuld be neat. and fun .