
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by aliendrone, Apr 30, 2004.

  1. aliendrone

    aliendrone New Member


    hey has anyone seen or heard from alapokegirl A.K.A cherokee yet. i haven't seen her on msn messenger in 3 weeks i think. is she ok i kinda miss her i hope she ok.
  2. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    At last check, she moved on to Georgia and has no computer access.
  3. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Oooh, that would explain it! I was missing her here too! I hope she gets computer access again sometime soon!
  4. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    Hey everyone. I am okay, but not in GA. I am in a hotel just outside of Chicago with my brother. I will be going home to Alabama, as much as I hate doing so. I will be there until I have everything sorted out. I don't have msn on this computer (brother's laptop) and I don't want to add anything he doesn't need to it. However, I am on yahoo messenger all the time I am awake and around the computer, can be contacted that way. My id is: cherokeesqaw196 for my friends to add me. I already know that lew has it. :wink: I have just had a lot on my mind lately.

    My divorce is now final, for those of you who knew what was going on.

    Zanzibar isn't in the picture any more. He took the cowards way out and just stopped talking to me all together after telling me he wanted to "think things over".

    I am moving on, alone, but with guidence from a special friend.

    *great big hugs to everyone*
  5. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    ooh (((hugs!!!))) I'm sorry to hear about Zanzibar, I hope everything works out for the best though, and I'm glad you're getting things finalized and moving on.
  6. Bookworm42

    Bookworm42 Oh No! Bathtime!

    Good to hear from you Cher!! Sorry things aren't working out for you in the romance department but hope that you are doing well otherwise. I hope that we'll see you in here lots once you have a computer or computer access and get settled. We've missed you!!
  7. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    Oh dear Chrissy. I'm so sorry. I've added you to my Yahoo now. I'll start that more often now in case you're online and want to talk a bit.

    I so hope all will work out for you!

    *Gives Chrissy a HUGE hug*
  8. aliendrone

    aliendrone New Member

    ok you fine i was getting worried chrissy. poor you i'm shock from what parts i read and that good that your moveing on in life. man i so whant to say some mean words but i can't oh well. i'm happy that your alive chrissy and i hope i can chat with ya soon.
  9. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    Safe In Alabama.

    Just updating. I am now in Alabama with my aunt who lives next door to my parents. I have my own room and will be very busy setting things up and getting things organized as my aunt is not an organized person. But at least I can do what I want with my room and will be setting up my own retreat to get away from it all here. Will be working on setting up a computer there, but no one has a big enough computer so that I can play my SiMs though :disappointed: .

    Oh well, will just do what I can do, and go from there.

    *great big hugs to all my friends, I love ya*
  10. aliendrone

    aliendrone New Member

    right on. that good to hear and i do hope you can get your own computer. that be cool take care ok.
  11. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I'm glad you're getting set up with your Aunt and will have your own room. :) One thing that helps me with organization has been a cute site called ;) I hope you can get set up to play sims again! Hang in there!

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