So quiet in here...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Himmuli, May 1, 2004.

  1. Himmuli

    Himmuli New Member

    So quiet in here...

    It's been a month since my last visit and only few threats has been updated. So, I couldn't help myself of asking is there anybody out there? Anyboby at all? Or am I just loosing my mind or something? :confused:
  2. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    We're still here! :D I think a lot of us are temporarily disappointed with sims 2 delays and keeping ourselves busy distracting ourselves from the sims... so less busy here in the forums than usual. I figure it'll pick up more activity here once summer starts and people are out of school or have more interest in getting caught up on sims stuff when it's closer to the actual release. Keep dropping by though! I try to stay caught up on posts here lately, sometimes I check every day!! :D
  3. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    still waiting patiently.......... My daughter absconded with all my sims cd's so i have no choice but to whisper: Open open open.....:devious:
  4. Bookworm42

    Bookworm42 Oh No! Bathtime!

    Hey Himmuli, I can TOTALLY relate to what you're saying!! But then I noticed that the views of these threads are awesome but only a few people actually post! :surprised: What's happening? Are we entertaining enough to check out but not interesting enough to response to? Come on people, start posting!! That's the only way the forums will get more interesting!! Hmm, or maybe we could start some new controversial threads that will get the curious into the site. :p (ummm, Joshie?!) What a quandry?! :rolleyes:

    Hey Michelle...sounds like a typical kid...don't alot of them come for a visit with a suitcase and leave with 2 or 3?!! Does this mean that while you are waiting for the Sims2 you can't even play the regular Sims? Ack, how horrifying! :rolleyes: I'm playing the old one and dreaming about how much better the next one will be but am growing very impatient....
  5. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Well Book, I've been playing freelancer.... something different to keep my mind off of nothing.....:p
  6. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Now that Body Shop is out that'll keep me pretty busy trying to figure it all out... I'm hoping to eventually have it all figured out. :D Aaaand, since this is a great place to check up and see how everyone else is doing with bodyshop too, so I'm thinking it just might get busier here!!
  7. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Me too!!!!! What paint program are you using? I know you said but I forgot... The basic that came with my computer is so lame.... basically useless. We have adobe photoshop but that doesn't seem to work either.:lick:
  8. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I'm using adobe photoshop. :D I've tried to use the free trial version of Paint Shop Pro before too, just to see what it was like, and learn how it used layers, but I didn't get too far and liked what I had already better, but that could be because of being more used to it.

    I'd recommend using ANY paint program that lets you work in layers, pasting images over the top of others. Especially if it lets you use masks like photoshop does, so you can select areas to conceal or reveal from the layer below, and change transparency/opacity of layers or selections of them. I think there may be a few free paint programs out there at places like or and someone once recommended something called Gimp to me, but I didn't get far with that either, as I was distracted with other projects and never finished learning how to use it. ...boy, I need to get a new attention span... wait.. what was that... was that sims 2?! ;)

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