Who's having fun?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by ManagerJosh, May 12, 2004.

  1. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Who's having fun?

    Who's having fun? :p
  2. Tri Ace Fan

    Tri Ace Fan New Member

    Im not, I downloaded it for the 8th time now, and the file is STILL CORRUPT. >.>

    I'll try another mirror on my next try, *Sigh*
  3. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    I'm having fun only now I want to control MY SIM! :D *Sighs*

    I feel so sorry for the people with the corrupt files! :depressed: *Pats them on the back*
    And the DirectX problems! :p I downloaded both files and they weren't corrupt! :D *Pats DSL :p *
  4. Hedgehog

    Hedgehog New Member

    I'm really enjoing the BS. you know, I downloaded it from Game Spot when no one knew that it came out, so the download took me about an hour :)
    OMG, This body shop is really better then "The (stupid) Sims Creator"
  5. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I'm having fun :D I forgot I had my lunch in the microwave... I had to reheat it when I remembered I hadn't eaten, I'd spent the last hour learning how to use bodyshop! oops! :p
  6. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    I have dialup and knew from watching the Sims2 BBS that dialups were having a miserable time. So when I found out that my husband was going gaming over at a friend's house who had DSL I asked if he could get it downloaded and burned to a CD for me. When I got up this morning the CD was sitting on my keyboard.

    I'd installed Directx 9.0 yesterday (and restarted the computer, of course, which I think some people missed out on doing.) So, I installed BodyShop and played with it for a bit. Then I installed the starter pack. After that I just had a good time (although I didn't save anything. I don't want to save it unless I really like it.)

    I was really surprised that my computer handled it so well. I even spun the mannikin as a "test" for the rendering. It did a really good job.

    Of course, that doesn't mean I don't still want a better computer. But it does mean that I can take ManagerJosh's advice and wait until Fall before I try to do it.

    Now I have to get down to business and learn how to use a paint program and Maya.
  7. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    I am I am!!! It's going to be very hard not to get addicted once I get the hang of it... wish I didn't have to share the computer. :p
  8. Amy Sims

    Amy Sims New Member

    I'm having lots of fun.
    Although I wish the bmp's used for making new clothes weren't so large. It's just something I'll have to get used to. :)

  9. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Having them that large might make them easier to work with, though. You can certainly get more detail in ones that big. (It is a pain, though, for us dialup people.)
  10. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Awwww! Now that is a GOOD hubby!!! :D Mine leaves anything he wants me to see just under the monitor on the computer desk, or on the keyboard. :p Good luck learning the paint program of your choice, and learning Maya too! I'm trying to learn to use 3D Studio Max after only having limited success with Milkshape 3D last year... so I'm rusty and lost! I wish I had Maya as I keep hearing it's the best, but I'm thrilled to have what I've got. :)
  11. Tri Ace Fan

    Tri Ace Fan New Member

    I've been messing with BodyShop for 2 hours now, but it got quite boring with the few things in the starter pack. >.>

    Someone better start making some custom content or something!
  12. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Haha yeah, the starter packs were pretty small in clothing selection... but WE get to make the custom content... so you could always try opening something in Paint and recoloring it... ;) ;)

    I think there are a few sites with some custom content posted for download already, fans move fast!!
  13. Mystical Druid

    Mystical Druid New Member

    It was a bit of a disappontment that I couldn ot make a relestic from of me. However I had fun making weirdos with giant faces HUGE EYES and the most deformed combinations. I plan on making a whacky family in my neighboorhood, of course there will be 10 empty lots arround their house.
  14. Bookworm42

    Bookworm42 Oh No! Bathtime!

    We aren't having fun yet...we discovered the hard way that BodyShop doesn't download well through dial-up. We left the computer on overnight downloading as it's such a large file but when we got up the download had stopped at 44 MB saying it was completed. Argg....now to find someone who has DSL! Does anyone know if downloading from a different site would help (we downloaded from the official site)?
  15. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    oooh poor Book!! :eek: I'm not sure if trying to download from a mirror site would help any, but it might be worth a try. Josh had suggested in another thread that people having trouble with the download try using a download manager. I forget the ones he suggested, but you can do a search at www.download.com for free or trial versions of download managing software. I hope you can get it to work and join in the fun soon!
  16. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    i loaded with dsl and had both files downloading at the same time from maxis... plus the manuals. love dsl

    There seem to be clothes available in the random generation that aren't available to modify... or am I imagining things?

    learning to use photoshop as well as bodyshop is a challenge. yeah!

    colorized one sweater... but is there an easier way than "painting" the new color? think i need to learn masking.

  17. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Some people have had better luck downloading from GameSpot as you can interrupt the information and then have it restart at where it left off. That's good for dialup people. And people downloading today will probably have it a bit easier because the demand isn't so great at this point. The servers won't be quite so overloaded.

    Or you could try doing it at a friend's house who has a highspeed connection. Thankfully my husband's friend has cable. We have *really* crummy dialup and I knew that I'd never be able to get it to download properly at home. But downloading it at the friend's house then bringing home the CD worked great for me.
  18. crdpolaris

    crdpolaris New Member

    it took me 4 minutes to download. Anything less then cable is utterly painful.
  19. allstargrl117

    allstargrl117 New Member


    Sure body shop is cool but it would be even better if i knew how to create new stuff... sigh i guess i will just have to use old stufff!!!:cry: :confusion:
  20. allstargrl117

    allstargrl117 New Member

    Sos Urgent

    HELP SOME ONE HOW DO YOU MAKE CUSTOM STUFF SOS URGENT!!!!!!! :classic: :nervous: :confused:

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