Thanks again I`ll first look for free tutorials. Last week our car has broken (it was 20 years old) and now we need each cent for another one (not new, it`s to expensive). Unfortunately, Maya is a very expensive programm and I don`t know if I could buy it :disappointed: . I hope, that my demo works a long time. Until now, I don`t know if I can save my work. I haven`t had the time to play around with it. I`ll do this on weekend. Tahera
You can turn to SimStuff to help you Tahera.. Its on the same servers we're using here at WorldSims Unlimited bandwith helps a ton
Tahera the strapless dress should be in the teen's formal clothes. Josh.... Sorry. You ended your bump map comment with a smiley and to me it looked like you were teasing -- in the mildest and nicest way. I'm also au fait with bump maps ... but somehow jokes are better when they don't have to be explained. There doesn't seem to be much we can do with the small scale texturing (and I agree with tahera that the blue-tinged bmps *must* be some variety of bump maps that the some of the skins use to add belt loops and seams and other 3d detail. The other day I tried to improve on a previous project. I tried to 'push' a small circular depression into the map for the jacket that I showed here earlier to makethe button/badge stand out more in relief ... all I achieved was a a button that looked like it had been designed by Salavore Dali.
Oh, what is that??? I didn´t hear of SimStuff before so I used google to search it. I found that page and what did I notice? My username and password are working , that`s great! I want to share my work at SimStuff now. Which files do you need? Please help a newbie. I`ve got (but not installed yet). Should I use this to make the files? Tahera
Wow, it took me a while to get all caught up on this thread!! I'm still not sure how the bump mapping graphic that seems to be with SOME of the clothes works... but I'm glad we've figured out the neck of that one dress still has the raised areas because of the Mesh and not the bumpmapping... Sigh... another reason to try to figure out meshing faster, ak!
Good evening! I`ve just made two swimsuits and a transparent T-Shirt. The picture of the swimsuits is added. May I show the picture of the transparent T-Shirt, too? The Sim woman looks -----hmmmm----- natural (she has real nipples) . I`m not sure if I may show the picture here. Tahera
The blue-ish colored texture files are "normal maps" and to create them you are going to need photoshop and the nvidea normal map plugin for photoshop which will convert a traditional greyscale bump map into a normal map which is available here at the bottom of this list: Normal maps work by using the colors of the normal map to determine which direction/s those particular pixels will be lit from. almost all games are using them now to make lower poly models look extremely high poly. for instance Doom3 uses them to make a 1,000 polygon model look like a 1,000,000 poly model. I will post what I have done later when I get home, so far I have just been working on a decent representation of my girlfriend. only problem being that bodyshop makes her look too perfect. maybe I can mess with the skin to make it look less perfect. oh, and I have a question =] does anyone know if in the final version you will be able to use modifiers on the bodies like you can on their faces?
Thank you, Rolo, for this information. I`ve got the file and now I want to test if it works with Corel Photopaint, too (Ihope so ). Tahera
Yes! Thanks for the link and enlightenment!! I'm not sure if they will have modifiers you can use on the sims bodies like they have for the heads, but if they did I would LOVE that! If they don't do it, maybe we can encourage them to include that in an expansion....
I hope that the "updated version" that's supposed to come with the game will have that sort of modifier. Wider shoulders, wider hips, narrower hips, more female upper chest endowment... If the clothes are one size fits all (as they don't seem to change when you flip between the slim and heavy body types), then having a little more variability shouldn't make that much difference (unless the changes are too extreme. But the program can put limits on that. You only can slide the button just so far.)
See mine at under "everyday" and "formal" (formal dress will hopefully be added soon) Created by: hyperactivecow. I'm quite happy with the way they turned out!