Shades & Highlights?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by rebeka, May 14, 2004.

  1. rebeka

    rebeka New Member

    Shades & Highlights?

    Can someone explain to me how to use shades and highlights in order to give the 3D touch for new skins? I've tried and tried with my Jasc, but I couldn't figure it out! :p
  2. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I haven't used Jasc, but in general, to give something a 3D look, you add a lighter color or highlight to areas that stick OUT, and add shadows or darker color to areas that go IN. :) Let me know if this helps any!
  3. rebeka

    rebeka New Member

    yeah, that helps, but my problem now is: which tools should I use? I never could make any skin in TS1, because I never figured it out... :lick:
  4. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Well I'm not familiar with the paint program you're using, but if it lets you set opacity for a sort of airbrush effect that works well for using white for highlights and black for shadows. Also, if the program lets you work in layers and set them to be partly transparent that helps, I use that a lot in Photoshop. :)
  5. rebeka

    rebeka New Member

    Well, I'll try that. I'm not that good with layers, but I'll try. :)
  6. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Have fun then! It took me a while to catch on to layers but now I love them. :) I try out new things on copied layers so if it turns out bad or I mess up, I just delete that layer and I haven't ruined my whole project!
  7. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    I much prefer working with layers for just that reason. I just wish I could figure out how to save each layer by itself yet still be able to have them overlay each other when I'm working on them.
  8. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I wonder if it would help you any to copy each layer and save it as a separate file, the open all those files and copy and paste them into layers again to work on them... but it seems like that would be a whole lot of trouble to go through each time you wanted to work on your graphic!! :eek:
  9. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    I upgraded the program, which turns out to be Corel's Painter (in a "limited version of Painter 7). So now I have Corel Painter 8, which actually comes with a manual! It works so much better for me than having to go between the program and a computer PDF.

    So, now I just have to work with it some more (and use the index a bit more.) And hope that it will quit crashing to desktop whenever I get something just about where I want it!
  10. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Whoohoo! Manuals are GOOD! ;) Crashing to the desktop is still bad though! :eek: I hope this newer paint program lets you save as you go?
  11. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    I'll find out this afternoon when I buckle down and work with it. Yesterday I spent a good portion of the day installing (got some more RAM so I'm up to 1.0 gb now and the Painter 8 upgrade). Of course, some time today I need to do my windows upgrade (to professional XP because it's supposedly helps the processor work better and makes the program more stable. That's why Maya says to use it instead of the home version.)

    But first I've got to stop my BBS socializing. :winks:
  12. Parietti

    Parietti New Member

    o_O, I have Paint shop pro also, so I know a thing or 2.

    1. Coloring on the computer(also known as CG) is a lot easier than you think.

    2. Use the airbrush when highlighting and shading, set the opcity to around 65.

    3. Shading- start with the base tone (like if you're doing hair and the color was plain ol' brown) and just make the color a little darker. Then, slowly, use darker browns. The darker the brown, the small the brush size should be. Then, use the Smuge tool and sumge to the way hair grows.

    4. Highlighting- Same thing as shading, only use lighter and lighter colors.

    5. If you want to save ur project w/ the different layers....then just save it as a Paint shop pro image (.pspimg .psp)

    I hoped that helped!
  13. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Thanks for the tips on doing highlights and shading in hair Parietti! I'm using Photoshop instead of Paint Shop Pro but it sounds like the airbrush and smudge techniques should work in both. :D I'm good at highlighting and shading clothes etc. but not in making a hair texture from scratch. I've just highlighted it by using a medium brush set at about 3-5% opacity and I've brushed that in areas where the sun would be shining on the curve of the hair. :) Now with your technique I might try making a curlier hair!

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