Favorite Soda Poll, Coke Brands Pepsi is at: http://forums.worldsims.org/showthread.php?p=55942#post55942 other is at (soon)
We can only get Mr Pibb at certain restaraunts in town where I live, and when we go on a road trip to areas that have it at the convenience stores my hubby always wants one of those!! I've never heard of Pibb Xtra, does it have more caffiene or something?
I don't mind the regular Coke as long as it isn't in a can. For some reason canned drinks always have a faint taste of metal.
Sprite re-mix is a berry flavored sprite, one of my friends is CRAZY about it, but I haven't gotten to try it yet as I've been on my diet, and that flavor can't be found in diet yet apparantly.