Getting back to the subject at hand - thanks for posting these Livi, sometimes its hard to think of what to do next. All items creation will be contingent on the availability of meshes. ManagerJosh - you seem chummy with the maxis people - any word on whether they are releaseing any more download packs before Sept 17?
what have i done this probably isn't the place for this but... ok, i just set up an account and i have no idea how to post a picture... if someone can help with that i made a skin for a warcraft 3 night elf (body, hair, face, and...clothes... ...well sort of anyway) and i wanted to see if someone wud give me feedback. alas i don't know how to put pictures in...someone please tell me and i'll put the picture in and see what you guys say ok? also i've packaged the sim if anyone wants it and i don't want to put it on because registering is a pain thanks all
uh...nuts... ok kick me i did a dumb thing...fancy seeing my own post there with the pic attached...oh well..hope you all like it...and here's the credits for it: hair, skin, eyes and outfit were all done by me...HOWEVER: the outfit was done using a brush pre-made in a paint program i was using. further, most of the work was done by using what i'd call 'adaptive' color replacement by getting colors from one piece of the texture and matching it with a relative piece on a pic of the w3 night elf released by blizzard...kudos to them for all that preeeciiooouss feedback...i wants it....i needs it....tell me what you guys think of it ok?
It looks very cold... Seriously though, it looks like you did a good job! I really like how the hair turned out, I think after seeing your hair I want to add some blue to the black haired sim I've been working on, I didn't like her hair looking dark grey instead of shiny black.
well... thanks for that fae, the cold look was kind of intentional, if im thinking of the rite cold...anyway, i've thought the hair looks kinda dodgy, but i got a new mesh and i've currently...adapting the new colors also i plan to put up some proper outfits....those ones aren't quite rite for day wear...anyway will get them done ASAP and thanks for the comments
made a website/journal drop by anytime! Leave your comment! Lets form a group!
update ok, put in some more work to the skin: new hair (new mesh from starter pack) i know its a bit samey, but the different mesh is really good i think. i also plan to add a new proper outfit as well, using the formal outfit mesh, just got to figure out how i'm going to make use of it. anyway, thanks to anyone whos has and will put feedback in, much appreciated. suggestions also welcome, but keep in mind that i'm just a novice so don't expect toooo much ok? believe me, this project was child's play (all cheap techniques, smoke and mirrors)
Wow I really like how the eyebrows turned out on this second one! And using the new hair mesh looks good too. Do you have plans for adapting her costume/clothes for more of a "daywear" look? Maybe a tunic or breastplate with the same pattern/symbols that seem to be ALL her clothes now?
hmm...well...about the eyebrows, this current face is just a combination of the presets so i guess i can't claim credit for it. what i can do is fix the color up...on the flip side, i quite like the new hair mesh myself as well...also, i gotta figure out how to do the ears into something elven... finally, YES i do plan to put her in more than what she's wearing rite now... problem is as always meshes... :disappointed: what can i say, the only thing that mite work is the formal dress mesh, but i think that doesn't have the necessary sort of look that i want...i was also looking at warcraft online, and apparently these night elves wear sort of leaf textured outfits as well...thing is, i don't like that look on elves so yeah... further, i'd like to note that so far everything is female adult skin only...this is because i'm still in early stages, and also because the night elves are kind of predominantly female...but thanks fae again for the feedback, the work continues, but if you or anyone out there can suggest a decent mesh or even better link me to one, i'd be appreciative...this is my first decent project and i'd love to see it turn out well... AND I HOPE LIKE HELL NO-ONE BLOODY TAKES THIS IDEA OR RIPS OFF MY WORK!!! i mean, i wouldn't mind seeing other night elf characters...but yeah, i read the thread about plagiarism and i don't want it happening on my maiden voyage...ah well, i have no control over it, hope people can appreciate this work and any feedback is as always welcome... thanks all
Glad you liked my feedback. For the ears, there IS a pointy eared head in the head meshes, I think it's second or third from the LAST to the FAR RIGHT when you're picking general heads. I couldn't find it myself at first till I had help!
thanks thanks, the mesh looks good...can't see the ears tho also, still trying to look for a decent mesh for an outfit...i've taken to using 3ds max to prep some parts for when i can actually import's the original image i'm workin off for the outfit, i've modeled the shoulder pads (poorly) and a good friend is texturing them
...probably shud start a new thread.. sorry livi, i've kind of hijacked ur thread here...well i'm going to get lost, create a new thread, and good luck with ur ideas. thanks again to fae for giving me feedback, hope u continue to do so. further, the NElf is TEMPORARILY on hold, pending the ability to make new meshes (they're being made as we speak, come time i can actually make them ingame, i'll alter them as needed)