Screenshot Analysis If you find a screen shot that you think is cool and you have a question or a prediction about a new feature post it here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *not sure which works best* do you think that this is the C.A.S for the game and if so do you think we get to choose a persons everyday outfit AND pajamas AND formal AND swimsuit etc. etc. or do you think there will sill be a default one? i hope we get to choose
They told us at the time that this screenshot came out that it was CAS. I suspect that all the clothes will be "choosable" now that there is a different way of organizing them. I am hoping that not all will be available at first, as I'd like it to be that you had to go shopping to get the ones you want from the overall clothes availability. But I don't want it to *replace* the clothes, just add to what is in the closet (like in real life.)
Yes, I'm hoping from screenshots like this that you'll be able to set the default/start outfit for each category of clothes, like swimsuit or pjs etc. I'm HOPING you'll be able to choose the default clothes for each life stage too, so when my toddler turns into a kid, for instance, they aren't wearing an outfit that's SOOOO not their style! haha!
It's so stupid when the kids grow up if they're wearing clothes that dont fit them! oh...and I hate it when the kids turn out really UGLY!! like today I was playing my cute little family, then they had a lil babygirl named Lucy and took real good care of her. And then when she grew into a kid, she was one of those mega creepy girls from makin' magic! you know the ones with the really pale face and black rings around their eyes! did soooo not fit into the cute lil family! so...I put her in a room with a fireplace and a lot of rugs on the floors and deleted the door. Then they had another baby wich was also a girl, they named her Ruby. Then she grew up, and awww...she's so cute! A little blonde girl wearing pink shorts :happy: lol this got kinda long, bet you didn't read it all!
Hey I DID read it all! I ALWAYS read it all! Especially when it's entertaining! I've never tried to get rid of the "ugly" kids like that, but I've been pretty disappointed with the randomly generated kids! At least you can change their clothes, but not the faces and hair color! Sims 2 will be MUCh better about that, huh?