Wanting to make a Sims 2 Fansite I really want to make a site...i always have, but there never seems to be anyone willing to work with me!! so, if anyone here is interested PLEASE post here(leave your email address and or AIM s/n) or email or aim me: email: gemini68@comcast.net aim: troysnewprincess :happy: pleease!!! thanks a ton livi
Livi, I would love to, too... you can IM me and/or email me. Click on one of the buttons above for AIM, Yahoo, and/or email.
I would want to make a website, but the thing Is i have no clue how to at all. Without using a free online web thingy that is. Can anybody help with how to actually make a website?
A great place for basic (and advanced) html help is Lissa Explains It All http://www.lissaexplains.com/ I also like Dynamic Drive when I'm looking for free javascripts you can use for your webpage http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ Good luck working on your site together if you decide to do it!
www.freewebs.com is a good host with a site builder. If you want to write HTML there you can too. I believe this is a good host for getting started on a website. There's only a banner which can be removed for a small fee.
Trinisis... I have made a sims page with freewebs but for the moment it isnt going very good.... I also used bravehost for one... it doesnt have as many limits as freewebs but can do stuff you didnt want to happen... check them out in my signiture!