Black & White 2 Hey there, I am a big fan of the B&W series. In fact I can't untill B&W2 comes out!!:squareeyed: Its gonna be awesome. If anyone has a guess or an idea of when it will come out either post a comment or vote in my poll!! Im interested in ur opionions and ideas. Also i cant wait too c what the Army Interface and the new AI and also the new cities and races are going to be like!! THANKS PLEASE VOTE!!!
I have absolutely NO CLUE! (which is why I voted that way! ) I guess I need to find my way to the offical site or look up articles about it since I know nothing!
yeah u should check out the Offical site its pretty nice and they have message boards too. It seems like their keeping everyone in the dark:devious: So, i just took a guess!
Thanks for the link! I'll run over there later and check it out. Too bad they're keeping everyone in the dark so much though.... Maybe they don't really know how long it will take to be out either!